Chapter 9

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Changbin POV.

I've been looking for Felix all morning. Sadly we don't have any classes together and whenever I ask Jisung or his other friends they ignore me. I mean, all I'm doing is asking, why can't they just tell me? It's already into the afternoon classes, and I haven't even seen a strand of Felix's perfect blonde hair.

I was in English with Chan and Jisung, writing down whatever I was on my mind. "Why are you writing Felix's name, repetitively?" Chan said as he looked over at my paper making Seungmin scoff.

"Seungmin?" chan asked as we both stared at him.

He lightly giggled, finding whatever he thought bemusing. "It's nothing."

The intercom hummed before the announcement, "Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Kim Namjoon, please bring your classes to the orientation hall. Thank you."

As we started getting up, "I'll get to see Innie!" Chan smiled to himself, making me remember.

"I'll be able Felix!!" I exclaimed, my smile growing bigger cause I know I'll be able to see Felix. Meanwhile, Seungmin just stared at us sadly. What's wrong with him?

As we made our way down to the auditorium, I spotted Felix talking with Minho. I don't know what came over me, but the thought of Felix crying overwhelmed all other thought. Is he okay? Why did he cry? is that why he ran from me yesterday? Before I even knew it, I was hugging him. Everyone stared my koala hug I was giving Felix, but I couldn't care less. He feels so warm; I want to stay like this forev-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted with Felix pushing me off of him. He stared at me, shaking as he, Jeongin, and Jisung who were coming from Taehyung's class, grabbed onto Felix, guiding him in. I immediately regained my composure and reached out for Felix's hand. Until Seungmin slapped my hand away, breaking me out of my trance. "Stop!" Seungmin angrily scolded me. Usually, Seungmin is a little bit rude, coming off as cold, but also, he's just really strange and silly, Now though, he was only cold.

we all stared blankly at him, who seemed ready to punch whoever got close. "I admit, Changbin did something inappropriate, but why are you so angry?" Chan asked, trying to calm the current tension.

"Felix hates physical touch unless he initiates it, didn't you see how uncomfortable you made him?" He barked at us.

I felt my eyes tear up. Why did I do that?  What if he hates me now? What came over me? They all stared at me as I cleared my throat, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me."

Seungmin let out a small sigh as I stared at him. "It's fine, just please, be more careful. And, I'm also sorry, I overreacted," he said with a small smile, gently scratching the back of his head.

We all eventually walked in; I saw Felix and his friends sitting near the front. I wanted to walk over to him, apologise, and sit next to him; but rather than the scared and nervous expressions he showed earlier, he was smiling. I wanted him to continue smiling. I wanted him to be happy. So I sat down near the middle along with Seungmin, Chan, Hyunjin and Minho.

Once every student was seated, JYP made his appearance, walking onto the stage confidently. Hyunjin nudged Seungmin's side, "You honestly know the 'JYP' personally? I heard from Minho that you do."

Seungmin gave a small shrug, "I don't understand what the big deal is about knowing him." Still looking forward to waiting for the speech to begin.

"He's one of the richest people in Korea! He also runs a major entertainment industry, and you just happen to be friends with him!?" Hyunjin replied in a whisper scream.

Seungmin sighed, looking almost bored with the interaction. Then with a loud noise from the mic, JYP began. "Hello student's, I hope everyone has been having a good first week here. I know that many of you guys have heard about the new law forbidding the killing of hybrids." I looked up at him with a scowl. What does that stupid law have to do with anything? "But I'm sure many of you haven't looked into the full scale of this new law." He paused.

I looked over at everyone subtly, "What is he talking about?" I asked as everyone but Seungmin shrugged.

"I hope nothing too drastic," Minho whispered back.

Seungmin let out a sigh, still facing forwards, not even sparing us a glance. "Just listen."

"Well, The law included an equality act. Illegalising the buying and selling of Hybrids, Allowing Hybrids to work and be served inside eating establishments. Lastly, they allowed hybrids the ability to enrol and attend educational facilities." JYP finished saying; the audience remained silent. None of us knew how we were supposed to act; all I knew was that I was boiling with anger. Why are they allowing monsters to equalised? Don't they know how vicious and dangerous they are? What kind of idiot passed this law?

I looked over at Minho and Chan who seemed utterly stunned, "This is such bullshit!" Minho finally verbalised.

Chan and I nodded in response as Seungmin suddenly stood up, "I need to use the bathroom." We all nodded as he got up and left through the back door.

The principal continued his speech, "So according to an education debate held earlier this week. I will provide a brief explanation of hybrids. As many of you know, Hybrids are the humans with animal-like features, Often with ears, tails, and sometimes, wings. They all have they're relating animal's eyes and teeth. They were a result of a mistake within labs during the second world war, and from then, spread throughout the world. " I looked over at everyone who seemed just as done with this as I was. This can't be real; This shouldn't be real. I repeated in my head. Why should those monsters be able to become a part of human society? Seungmin came back, looking a little calmer than before, sitting next to Hyunjin. "All Hybrids experience a rut or a heat every month on which they are weaker, releasing pheromones, and usually they end up getting sick, doing things they normally wouldn't." We all stared up at him confused, What was he hinting at? Meanwhile, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a small blush appear on Seungmin's cheeks.

"As well, they also have Mates, better known as Soulmates. It typically between two hybrids, but it often varies as there is nothing definite about Soulmates. Sometimes, there are cases of three hybrids, all being mates and even humans and hybrids being mates. In the case of the Human, Hybrid mates, it's common for the human to fall into a trance-like state. Only thinking of the Hybrid and they're happiness. The only way to break out of the trance is for either an external force to intervene or something to not align with the human's delusions." All the racing in my head stopped. What if Felix was my mate? Is that why I'm doing so many things out of character? Wait, can mates be between two humans? "Thank you for attending, and if you have any questions, I will stay for a bit to answer them." He calmly finished as everybody started returning to their classes.

Instead, I walked towards the podium, Seungmin, Hyunjin, Minho, and Chan trailing behind me. "Excuse me," I asked as JYP turned to face me. "Can mates happen between two humans?"

"N-" He began saying before looking a bit confused, staring at something behind me. "Yes. Any other questions?" He continued picking up a few documents around him and combining them in a pile.

I shook my head, and we all left the auditorium, "Why'd you ask that?" Chan asked.

"I think the reason why I'm so obsessed with Felix is that we're mates. JYP said it could happen between two humans, plus it would explain my strange behaviour." I replied as we walked up the stairs.

Hyunjin gave a small laugh, "You're always strange, Changbin Hyung." Everyone laughed, but I just wanted to punch him, square in that pretty boy, handsome face. Instead, I opted to kick him in the shin.

Felix might be my soulmate.


(So I dropped a bunch of information in this chapter, why do you think Felix fears/ dislikes physical touch?

See you next week!)

- May <3

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