A secret (sub)mission || (smut)

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May I present to you, my attempt of
S U B   M I D A S

Sorry for the pun.


*Y/n POV*

It had been a stressful week at The Agency, between hectic missions and gathering intel, I couldn't wait for the weekend. While the weekend meant relaxing for me and the other agents, for Midas it meant a weekend of paperwork. I always offered to help out and work extra time, but he always declined. He'd been like it since I first met him, he was stubborn, but a part of me loved that about him. There would be so many nights where he'd join me in bed at stupid o' clock after getting lost in his paperwork for hours on end.

I decided this Friday evening he'd be taking the night off, I wasn't taking no for an answer. Sometimes the two of us would sneak away to a discreet bar that was about 20 minutes away from The Agency. It was always quiet there, and we'd always chat and drink in the corner quietly not to draw any attention to ourselves.

I sent him a text suggesting my idea, and to my surprise he agreed without needing my persuasion. He must be stressed and wants a drink.

I wanted to make tonight and occasion, dressing myself up nicer than usual. I wore a slim, shoulder less black dress that cut off on my thigh, along with some black heels. I wasn't usually one for heels, but tonight I was going all out. I fixed my hair and makeup and I was good to go.

I made my way down to the front of The Agency, where Midas was stood waiting for me. My knees went weak as I took a moment to admire him because wow he looked amazing. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt, with one or two buttons undone at the top, accompanied by a golden chain that hung around his neck. His shirt was tucked into some black skinny jeans, the outfit complimented by a black belt with a golden buckle. I also took note of the black gloves he wore, which he always did when we went out, in order to attempt and stay discreet, not to draw the eyes of strangers and so on.

I walked up to him with a smile to which he returned, snaking an arm around my waist as we both made our way outside.

"Are you sure you don't want to just... spend the night in?" He smirked, looking me up and down. His handsome gaze and the scent of his cologne was mesmerising, and I knew exactly what he meant by his offer. But no, I needed a drink.

"We both need to get away for a few hours. Come on." I smiled, linking my hand in his as I pulled him away from the building.

*time skip*

Once we reached the bar, I took a seat at our usual booth in the far corner of the room while Midas went up to buy a round. I sighed into my seat, taking in the atmosphere. The bar wasn't incredibly busy, but the room was still lively with chatter and music. The music wasn't too loud, it was enough to enjoy without being too noisy. I immediately felt myself relax as I awaited my drink.

Speaking of...

I turned in my seat to look over at the bar, wondering what was taking Midas so long. I narrowed my eyes upon glancing at the barmaid serving him. Now Midas and I visited this bar quite occasionally, and I didn't recognise the woman behind the bar. More importantly, I did not like the way she was talking to my man.

She was very clearly stalling as she poured our drinks, chattering away as he casually leant on the bar. I couldn't make out any words and since he had his back to me, I couldn't tell if he was engaging in the conversation. She was all over him, twirling her hair as she spoke, battering her eyelashes as she giggled every now and then. I felt rage course through my veins, my relaxed vibe completely shattering. I was about to shoot up from my seat when Midas picked the drinks from the bar and began making his way back to me.

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