The change of seasons

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Shayne's POV
The autumn cold swept through my body and tapped at my eyelids. Hesitantly I opened my eyes and felt the gentle golden glow of morning, I was all of a sudden very aware of how cold it was and leapt up from my bed of straw and covered my bare chest with a shirt. The thin white fabric did little but it warmed me slightly and that was enough to allow me to stumble into consciousness. The town was already busy and bustling with sailors. I discretely and swiftly passed through the crowd and to the beach, dawdling to the cove with my hands in my coat pockets desperately trying to warm myself up. No one was in sight and I sat down beside the murky pool in the centre of the cove shivering to myself. Five minutes passed, then ten and finally thirty before I stood and looked about confused. "Where on earth" I mumbled walking back into the beach. I went down to the shack and through the door "Sandra?" I asked
"Tide?" She replied with a puzzled look across her cheeks. "What're you doing here?"  She replied
"I was at the cove waiting for the delivery where is everyone?" I meant against the wall
"You didn't hear?" Sandra looked up from her knitting.
"Colin and Mick got into a little situation with a kings ship-"
"They're fine and they didn't find the goods they just had to take another route"
"Oh, when will they be here?"
"Ah an hour or two" she shrugged
"Why'd no one tell me?"
"Mick was supposed to he was sent by Colin" she shrugged
"Agh, I'll get some breakfast and come back"
Courtney's POV
I woke, well rested and feeling the wonderful cold trickling from the window. Immediately I leapt from my bed and stared out at it, watching the leaves falling and hypnotically finding their way to the ground. The utter elegance of each wandering colour dazzled me unbearably. The English autumn was something to behold.
Quickly I was up and refreshed. Around myself and held a shawl to keep me from the cold and I walked through the house to the kitchens where everyone was bickering and nibbling their breakfasts. "Good Morning" I smiled
"Morning miss" Daisy smiled from her place. I greeted the others and then announced quietly "I'm going to take a walk this morning"  I said
"Would you like me to get your coat?" Daisy asked
"No I'll get it on my way not to worry" I smiled bidding them farewell.
I skipped down the path drinking in the gorgeous colourful scene through the cold mist.
I paused at the paths bend to pick blackberries, they were perfectly sweet with a tangy edge that made my lips curl into a smile. Now I continued walking down the path with my book under my arm and one of my hands cupping a few blackberries and with the other picking them out and popping them in my mouth. As I reached the tree I could see a man with his back to me digging beside the tree. "Good morning?" I called out into the fog
He flinched and in a deep voice said back "mornin'"
"Have we had the pleasure?" I asked getting closer.
"No, I must leave" he grumbled and In seconds he was on his feet running away from me down the path. He was a muscular looking man as far as I could tell, he filled his black coat well. His silhouette was familiar some how but I couldn't place a finger on it. I approached my tree and sat down. Around the trees perimeter the soil had been disturbed and And an empty pot was left. "How queer" I spoke looking at the mess he had left.
Shayne's POV
I slammed myself against the tree breathing heavily, I had ran for near a mile when I finally stopped to catch my breath. I should have thought she'd be out early for the autumn weather I sighed feeling relived. We had spoken and she didn't even recognise me; I frowned wiping the cold beads of sweat from my forehead feeling, it was a shrinking feeling, an unbearable aching, a longing. Like my heart was tugging towards her and my feet were running in the opposite direction.  Sliding down the tree; tears filled my eyes and I gave into the feeling.
Courtney's POV
I was engulfed in the pages of my book, it was a fiction that I was infatuated with. I was disrupted by the manic panting I could hear approaching me. "Could it be that strange man" I whispered looking up from my book. My eyes met a panicked daisies she stopped. "Ma'am" she breathed
"What is it?" I asked
"Come quickly"
Shayne's POV
I was sat alone once again with my head in my hands. I'll return this evening to finish planting the bulbs I thought to myself.
Courtney's POV
We rushed into the house manically, daisy hadn't told me a thing but I was sure it was urgent. "What is it? What's happening?" I breathed looking around the house. "Courtney"  I swivelled on my heel and there leant against the bannister, smirking was Alfie. He grinned "hello" holding out his arms.
"Home so soon?" I laughed walking towards him
"Didn't you miss me?"
"Of of course i did" I nodded kissing him on the cheek.
"Shall we go for lunch? I have some things to discuss with you" he gently grazed my nose with his.
"I would love nothing more" I agreed
We dawdled Into town and Alfie told me of the awkward and altogether hilarious encounters he had found in the English gentleman of London.
We found a quiet little cafe which sold hot drinks and pastries. The owner served us and smiled, speaking kind words with a french accent. "Your french?" I asked
"Oui! Je suis!" The woman smiled excitedly
"Est-ce que tu parles français?"
"un peu mais pas bien" I nodded
"I see, a little is nice" she grinned widely leaving us to our tea and pastries.
"This is a very agreeable place" Alfie said taking a sip of his tea.
"I've never been" I shrugged looking around.
"I think it's new in town, I haven't seen it in the past."
"No it must be new then I suppose"
"Must be" he trailed off. I let the silence sit for a moment.. "what's was it you wanted to speak with me about?"
"Oh god yes I forgot, you remember Charles?"
"Charles Ritten?"
"Yes,yes the very same. Well you remember he was a military man?"
"of course, you would find him in a gaggle if uniforms at all of the events" I scoffed
"War, it's broken out with the british"
"God" I said staring at him
"I plan to join those 'uniforms' for a few months, we would leave immediately"
"What on earth do you mean?"
"It shouldn't be a long battle at all, I feel it's my civil duty"
"Civil duty? Tomorrow? It's your civil duty to be a husband and-"
"And what? We've no children"
"No but I-"
"I love you more than words could describe but I'm asking you to support me as my wife" he said sternly
"How could I ever support that? Putting yourself in harms way and for what!"
"For my country" he said sternly. I hated that look, that spun in his eyes like two smoking barrels. I loved Alfie, he was kind and good natured. He gripped strong morals and a resilience to achieve but his temper was also strong. He had never harmed me in anyway nor would he even think to but he would take moments away and ask men outside if he had something to say or shout. I believe it was his father who installed this anger but I had to admit it hurt to see. "How are we to have a family at all of you die in some awful war?"
"I won't" he looked shocked at my words. I felt guilt swelling in my chest as I repeated those words in my head. I couldn't speak instead I left abruptly running out onto the road and into the small patch of trees. After a moment I heard him calling my name. He softened his words and walks to me. "I don't want to leave you at all but I must" he frowned spinning my hips to face him. Tears filled both of our eyes now and he furrowed his brows looking at me sincerely. I jumped into his arms and squeezed him tightly "I love you"

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