The missing children

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After have been acknowledgment by his Master, the albino begins working out every day, in order to gain more fighting techniques and to sharper his skills. Day by day, he can felt that he can hold the wooden sword more reasonably than the first time he did it. No more gingerly nor shaking. He and the wooden sword were now one.

There's the time when his master, Glutamine taking a little few of his times to explain to him about the demon and the secret squad which has been responsible to wiped out those unknown creatures.

As how much Glutamine attempted to elucidate, it's always ended up become unclear considering his way of talk full of longiloquence. The length was too great. Despite that, the albino can still be able to highlight the important part of the information mostly about the secret squad. No doubt that he got curious about it until his curiosity has been taking over most of his attention and thoughts rather than those fighting things.

"Demon slayer squad referring to the squad that out of number. A secret organization that isn't acknowledgment by the government. They are unknown, still, and forever will be. No one knows who's leading them for sure. However, they still exist somewhere to kill the demon in shadow, still shrouded in mystery", He said, his eyes landed on the albino as he nodded in understanding.

"Eh then, if they are mystery how could Master know about them, unless-"

"Yea, I'm used to be one of them. A long time ago but now I only training those who want to join the squad", he elucidated in the simple shortness. The 'ouh' noises escaped from his lips.

Glutamine pursued his lips, rubbed his arm self-consciously. Thinking a bit before shaking his head and gestures toward the albino. Sighing, he said in the not really pleasure tone.

"Back then, I've found so many things that are beyond my imagination. No matter how much I want unseen it or every time I want to takes it as nothing other than a nightmare but I know what I've seen was real. Those demons are real, still crawling outside and live among us in reality", he put his fingers between his eyebrows and press it a bit.

Mafumafu just can only stare at his Master in concern. He is quite sure that his Master was that kind of reclusive type. So chatting with him in a friendly way was a big no since he just getting a nescious as a reply but seeing his Master in this kind of state really bothers him and struck him as odd.

"Demon—", he continued but an unsure tone undercurrent his deep voice. The albino just fell silent, decide not to cut him off.

"They're multiple types of demon. Some were given to have an incredible ability to change their body's structure while some are not. They have amazing physical abilities that even when they're injured, they can simply healing themselves or when their body's parts got hacked off, they can be able to grow the new ones.

Mafumafu nodded, put his fingers on his chin as he hummed. The thought occurred to him. That explains why when Sou got stabbed before he didn't get any scar, not even the single scratch.

Mafumafu mind flew back to reality when Glutamine got up and made his way to the outside. "Now come, let's training more. If you have a desire to be a part of the demon slayer squad, the first things you need to do is to pass and survive in the final section of Fujikasenayama", he told him before trotted outside. Mafumafu clenched his fists, determination showed on his eyes before stroked along toward the wooden door, prepare himself for the next practice.

"I'm coming"


Mafumafu put down his notebook and place down his butt at the edge of the futon. Finally finishing the last page of his diary today. "I need a new notebook", he thought.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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