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Hey guys, it's me! I'm not dead! I was busy with school and blah blah blah, that's all!

Anyways, I know this is not the best decision, but here is a new Fanfiction based on another Fandom called IDOLiSH7! Go check it out, it's a really nice anime/game.

Anyways, grab your cookies and popcorns and LET'S GO!


In a badminton facility, Alberta, Canada...

"Yo sis! That one's yours!" On a badminton court stood three females, two on one side and one on the other. Normally, you'd thought that this was an unfair game since it was a 2 to 1 situation, but with the trio, it was another case.

The female who was playing on her own was actually an adult. To be exact, an adult who was skilled in badminton, so she didn't really have any problem playing on her own. On the other hand, the two girls playing on the other side were not as skilled: after all, they never had a proper coach, and believe it or not, they learned most of the skills solely by observing. Not to mention that one of the girls was left-handed, which made things harder for her.

With the hard work came the prize, which was the large improvement on their playing skills. The corners of the lady's mouth curled slightly upwards as the left-handed girl hit the shuttle back with power and height, it landing on the backline of her side.

"Nice one!" She praised, walking closer to the net so the two girls could hear her properly. "With that hit, you can see a couple of results. Either you fooled your opponent since they think it's out and didn't make an attempt to hit it back, or they did hit it, but with a price."

"That the shuttle's position and height when hit back to my side is perfect for a smash!" The left-handed girl smirked and finished the lady's statement, her sweating like crazy. "If you hit it back, Aunt Katherine, I would've smashed it like this!" Going back to the ready position, the short-haired girl jumped up, raised her left hand and smacked the racquet downwards, still smirking.

Katherine clapped her hands together in appreciation. "Nice answer Claire!"

The other girl walked over while retying her long, black hair. "Sis, do you know that when you jump-smash like that, your short hair looks like a flying pudding or mushroom?" She teased.

"Shut up! And your hair makes you look like the ghosts on those TV shows," the older girl retorted. "Seriously, tie your hair properly before you play Laura. Why do I have you as my younger sister?" She rolled her eyes.

"And I wonder why I have you as my older sister," the younger girl huffed, waving her racquet and walking back to her side. Since they were playing on the same court, they shared it in half, with Laura playing the right half and her sister playing on the left half.

"Alright you two, quit it." Katherine laughed awkwardly, her eyebrows twitching in annoyance. Here we go again, she sighed. Well, this always happen.

Laura went to the front of the court and picked up one of the many shuttles that were all over the court. For some reason, a small pile of shuttles was always right in front of her. "Where do they all come from?" She complained, her ponytail waving from side to side as she walked back to her side of the badminton court with a troubled expression.

"There's always going to be a pile if you refuse to walk up front and receive the drops and net shots on your side, you lazy potato," Her "friendly" sister put her right hand on her hip and spoke the truth. "I really don't understand how the heck did you get into the school badminton team."

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