Chapter 2 - Spirits Of Terra Arrak

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An old-ish man was wandering about the streets of Terra Arrak, a small town on the planet of Terak, their electricity currents have ran out so they either use neon powered lighting or gas, that night he became homeless, his wife threw him out on the streets after finding out he was a drunken fool, he was searching for somewhere to stay the night... It didn't turn out as planned, suddenly the lights on the street started fading and the man could hear ghastly screams when he looks up he sees what is called a 'spirit' floating in the air in front of him, he smiles raising his arms thinking it is someone sent from above to help him... The 'spirit' went closer and closer to the man and then suddenly snapped!

 The 'spirit' went closer and closer to the man and then suddenly snapped!

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The man yelled and was never ever seen again... That is, until today when a man and his friends came to help! And they truly came from above...

"Right then you lot! This planet is called Terak! A little quiet planet on the edge of the known universe, I must admit I detected something was wrong here so this is no fun holiday. Their whole electricity just vanished so the whole town of Terra Arrak is running from neon and gas lighting... Which, is no good to them as they need electricity for the technology the planet contains so hopefully we can help with that... If you don't mind?" Lily smiled and said "It's okay Doctor, nothing I like more than helping people out anyway!" Arran and Thomas on the other hand was like meh okay we'll tag along. Leaving the TARDIS me and the gang look around and Lily said "Mhm, looks very futuristic to me... Not a bad thing though, alien planet that's amazing!" I nod and smile and said under my breath "Amazing... Yeah I'll use that!" I sniffed and then started to wander looking around at my surroundings and said "Terra Arrak is that way you can see the small Neon lights and the gas lampposts in their streets!" Lily said "Well come on then let's get a shift on..." We all started making our way down to Terra Arrak to help them all out. Entering the little town all the people were quite terrified, I frown looking around and asked an old lady "Excuse me but why does everyone look scared?" The woman said "This is near the time they come out young man, you must get inside quickly and keep torches on, do not use gas lights..." I frown because I felt like a little spark recognised something but I couldn't fix on it and asked the lady "Why can't we use gas?" The elderly lady frowns and asked "Well where the hell have you been? It's been going on for months now... Follow me to my place I'll tell you everything..."

Me and the gang followed the old woman into her lovely little but strange cottage, she told us to sit down on her sofa and she'd make us tea, I shook my head and said "Lovely offer believe me I love tea but we haven't got time, we need to stop whatever is terrorising your town..." The elderly lady nods and sits with each of us on her arm chair and said "Their called spirits here... We hear that is what their called on the legendary planet called Earth... They came here and after the first death everyone was scared and then the whole electricity of this town had disappeared and we were forced to use gaseous lighting and neon that doesn't need to be plugged into any socket or electrical fibre to work..." I nod and said "I detected that you haven't been using any electricity and I been here before, not with this face but I have been here before and it wasn't like this... I got the strangest feeling I know the race that is doing this to you all, they aren't friendly..." The elderly woman asked "May I know your name sir?" I smiled and said "I'm The Doctor..." The elderly woman's face changed from unhappy to happy, she smiled and said "Oh, I dreamt you would come to save us all at such a dangerous time like this!" Thomas rolled his eyes and I saw, I walked over to him and said "It's the gift this race has, they can dream about the future but the dream doesn't give them much detail onto the causes of whatever happens in the future, so she couldn't see what the spirits were doing... Except they aren't spirits, their something else..." I thanked the woman for her giving us all this information and said to her "Like your dream shown you, I will stop this, I promise!" and she said "May our God's help you!" I gave her a soft smile and said to the gang "Right let's go..."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2020 ⏰

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