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It was just a normal morning for Clarisse. She got up from bed. Ate Cherrios. Brushed her teeth. Brush her curly hair. Tie it in a ponytail. This morning,she chose a white see-through blouse with black pants,and sharp,black,heels. A gift from her aunt. And it was off to work for her. Work wasn't that far. Just a fifteen-minute drive.

She stopped at a red-light. She sighed and checked her watch. 7:55. Five more minutes until she got to work,and five more minutes until work started. Usually,Clarisse would come at 6:00 a.m. However,she overslept. Finally,she thought as the red light turned green. And in five minutes,she got to work. One thing about Clarisse is that she was always on task,and never forgot anything.

Just when Mrs.Jones was unlocking the door. Clarisse smiled. "Hey,Mrs.Jones!" Mrs.Jones looked up at her and smiled back. "Hello Clarisse. You have a good nights sleep?" Mrs.Jones asked. Clarisse nodded. She walked to Mrs.Jones. Mrs.Jones unlocked the door. They went in. "I'll get to my station!" Clarisse cheerfully announced. Mrs.Jones's smile widened. "Oh,Clarisse. You're my hardest working. What would I do without you?" Clarisse smiled and walked to her office.

She sat in her chair,and judged the photos the other photographers took. She judged them so she could find out if they were good,and if they were,what category for the public to view them was. There were pictures of cities at night,small valleys,nature,art,mother animals and there children. There was also this photo Clarisse liked of a pure white,mighty,stallion rearing on the shore. A big wave in the background. The stallion was an Arabian. To her,the photo was beautiful. She sighed. She was always the first at work. Soon,other employees came.

Nine a.m. was the time Clarisse dreaded the most. It was the time Max Wilde came to work. Max was turning 21 already. Has brown eyes and platinum blond hair. Had lots of girlfriends and lots of break-ups. Clarisse is unsure if he was still a virgin. All the girls at work drooled over him. (Not literally on him!!)

All except Clarisse.

To her,Max wasn't worth anyone's time. He was just a piece of shit in her opinion. Her best friend,Angelina,didn't believe that. If Max was your boyfriend,it was something to brag about. Everyone at the company was aware of Max and Clarisse's hate for each other. Max wasn't like Clarisse though,always on task. He showed up late at work,and fooled around. Flirting with beautiful girls. He recently had a break-up with his ex-girlfriend. Natalie Pierce. She was very alike to Max. No wonder they broke up. Two maxes dating each other is doomed from the start. Clarisse thought to herself. She chuckled at that thought. "Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep." Her clock rings. "Great! Just Great!" She turns off the clock. The clock is set to nine everyday,just so Clarisse knows when Max comes. She quickly closed the blinds in her office and locked the door. She heard a door open. Max. He's here. She pressed her ear to her door. People were greeting Max. "Mr. Wilde. You are late,yet again." Mrs. Jones,calmly complained. Clarisse smirked. "Yeah. I am sorry. I was just getting over my break-up with Natalie." Max defended. Clarisse scoffed. He never cared for his girlfriends.

Mrs. Jones sighed. "And why did you break-up?" She asked,her fingers tapping a desk. "Um...........I lost her........" He gulped at the last words. "Makeup." All the boys lost it. Their laughter could be heard from 5 miles away. Even Clarisse laughed.

She was unaware of Max looking at her office. An idea was forming in his mind. An evil grin creeped on his face. "Excuse me,but I have to go." he said. "Where?" Mrs. Jones asked. "To Clarisse's office. I have to drop off my photos." He announced.

Shit! Thought Clarisse. She hurried back to her seat,and kept looking at photographs. Max didn't knock until 30 minutes later. Clarisse sighed. "Come in." She glumly answered. She was finished with her work,anyways. Her door opened,and she was greeted with a huge bucket of nothing but ice and water splashed on her. Unfortunately,everyone saw. They laughed. She was drenched! Clarisse looked up at him,and smiled. Max was baffled. She got up,and walked to her water filler.

Huh? Max thought.

Clarisse took it off it's holder. She picked it up. Turned it toward Max.

Oh,Max thought. She's getting her revenge.

As soon as you could CHEESE icy cold water hit Max. She made sure to get it all over him. "Ahhh!!!!!!" He yelled. The guys laughed. Clarisse smirked. "Bitch!!!!!!!!!" Max shouted. "Asshole!!!!!!" Clarisse shouted back. Max hurried to out to get dry. Clarisse smirked,and sat down. Max came back a few minutes later with his photos. He slammed them on her desk. "Here are your photos slut!!!!!" He yelled and stomped out of her office.

Slut?!?!?! Did he just call me slut?!?!?!?!?!?! Ooohhhhh that!!!!!! She ran after him. "Hey!!!!!!! Out of the two of us,who has slept with millions of girls?!?!?!?!?! Who's the slut?!?!?!?!?!" She screamed. Everyone was now looking at them. He looked back. "You are." He whispered. "FYI,I'm a virgin and you're not!!!!!!!" She hollered. He smiled. "Aww,Clarisse. I know why you're a virgin,and why you envy me." He says. "I don't envy you!!!!" She said. "Now now. Let me finish. You envy me and are a virgin since you never had a relationship!!!!!!!!!!!" He pointed out. "Ugh!!! You are a bastard Max Wilde!!!!!!" Clarisse screamed. She ran to her office,slammed the door,then looked it. She sat in a corner and cried. Her head buried in her arms. A few minutes later,someone knocked in her door. "Go away!!" She ordered. "It's me. Mrs.Jones. Can I come in?" She asked. Clarisse unlocked the door. She didn't have much of a choice since Mrs.Jones was her boss.

She walked in. "I'm sorry you had to face that." She apologized. Clarisse nodded,and wiped a few tears away. "So,I've planned a way to get your revenge." Clarisse now was paying attention. "I am making the both of you go to Paris for the Winter!" Mrs. Jones announced. "What?!?! Mrs. Jones,please,no!" She cried. Mrs. Jones shook her head. "You will have complete control over him the whole time." Mrs.Jones said. "He won't listen to me." She argues. "Yes,but I have threatened to fire him if he doesn't." Mrs.Jones returns. "And if he doesn't,call me and I'll fire him on your call." Mrs.Jones informed. "Is Max okay with this?" Clarisse asked. Mrs.Jones shook her head. "He doesn't have a choice!" She squealed. Clarisse nodded. "So,are you in?" Mrs.Jones asked. Clarisse thought it over. Finally,she can up with an answer.

"Yes. When do we leave?"

"Next Wednesday. I already paid for your flight." Mrs.Jones informed. Clarisse nodded.

Mrs.Jones turned and left. Clarisse sat in her chair,and looked at Max's photos. All were about sports. Skaters,basketball players,surfers,you name it,he got it. And all were really bad.

Next Wednesday couldn't have come faster. Clarisse had packed the night before,and met Mrs.Jones and Max on the plane. "I'll see you in January,safe flight!" She wished.

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