The girls meet BTS

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"I can't believe we're at our first major year end awards show"! Farina says. They just debuted early this year.

The year is 2022. "Who knows? We might even see BTS". Melissa says. "Now girls. We might not". Alisa says.

Alisa, as the leader of Varsity, is very kind and wise. Their fans, the cheerleaders, also know that as well.

"But leader! Who knows"! Riley protests. She's walking backwards. She bumps into someone. "Pardon me". She says.

Her eyes widen. She recognizes the broad wide shoulders of the person she bumped into. "Jin"? She squeaks.

Jin turns around with a smile. "Yes it's me. You must be Riley. It's nice to meet you". Jin says. He sticks out his hand.

A little shook, Riley takes his hand and shakes it. "How do you know us"? Petunia asks. Jin smiles.

"I've been a fan of yours since before your debut". He explains. Alisa is shook that they actually met BTS.

"Jin Hyung, we have to go on"! Jungkook says. He smiles at Alisa. "You must be Alisa. You and RM Hyung would get along well". He says.

Alisa smiles and twiddles with her thumbs. It's a nervous habit of hers. Jungkook smiles a big bunny smile at her.

"Good luck on your big performance"! Petunia says. She's an encourager of the group. That means, it's her job to boost her groups morale.

"Thanks Petunia"! Jungkook says. He waves and runs off to join his group. "Girls, shall we take our seats"? Alisa offers.

The rest of the girls nod. They take their seats and watch BTS perform. They performed a big medley of all of their past songs.

BTS did it in order to honor their history. Alisa waves when the camera pans over to Varsity. Petunia and Farina and Riley are vibing.

When BTS finished their performance, it was time to announce the best rookie of the year award.

Varsity is nominated in this category. Along with Tora, a new boy group from SM, and Cherry pol, a new girl group from JYP.

"2022 Melon music awards best rookie of the year. the winner is Varsity! Congratulations"! The presenter says.

Alisa falls back in her seat in shock. BTS, Tora, and Cherry pol are all standing and clapping for them.

They all go up on stage and Alisa gives the lone acceptance speech. They then go back stage.

"Congratulations you guys"! Hoseok praises. Farina smiles. "Thanks"! She says. Hoseok smiles.

Varsity (OC girl group) x BTSWhere stories live. Discover now