Strike: 5

68 5 2



"She did it again .. how are your creating living things with no access to tools" James cried out as Rover floated past as he entered the unit office room.

"See this is why rover didn't like you, he all patched up and returned for duty and you just question my skills over him. Come on Rover, zap the meani" Pidge pouted from her desk chair while Rover hovered around James, a small P shape popping out from the base ready to zap James.

"Pidge, if Rover zaps an agent of Garrison he'll be taken away" Hunk reminded Pidge after the warning she got after zapping James for a good month before she was caught by a higher rank who told the higher ups. 

"Rover, he not worth losing you" Pidge spoke up and rover got rid of the P shape point before returning over to Pidge and resting her head.

"Pidge, I understand Rover one of us but don't forget James is one of us as well" Shiro smiled as he glanced to Pidge who rolled her eyes.

"James know he's important too but he too tall to pat" Pidge replied as she patted Rover who glowed a lime green. 

"Oh my, this is too cute .. Pidge come look at this harurin fanart" Lance squealed from his desk, trying to turn his computer.

"I don't want to see it unless it shows soumako, I stand by my ship" Pidge huffed back as she glanced to Lance who rolled his eyes.

"Well your missing out becuase this is really cute" Lance smugly replied as he looked back to his computer.

"The only cute ship is kisumixmakoto, they are just perfect for the other" James muttered back from his desk while Lance dramatically gasped.

"I rather like reixnagisa, I think they really sweet to each other" Hunk replied shyly as he poked his two pointy fingers together.

"Nothing beats makohaur, that ship is just adorable" Shiro argued back with slight pride.

"That the Free! anime show right, Adam told me you guys have watched all the seasons together. I um like kisumixgou .. I think they would complete each other" Keith spoke up from his desks, becoming uneasy as everyone turned to him.

"He has an impossible ship, poor guy" James frowned as he shook his head.

"Why didn't you say you were a Free! fan" Pidge asked excited as she pushed her chair back, crossing her elbows of Keith computer.

"Well its that anime where they all get shirtless a lot and swim while having an emotional roller-coaster ride. I wasn't really sure over it but Adam told me to at least try watching one season before I joined your unit. Well he actually gave me orders to watch them or I'll lose my bike for a week" Keith mumbled shyly as he glanced away.

"Ok Mullet, let me run something Bi you. If you go on many stake outs or get stuck in the office waiting for certain data to decode or waiting for certain data to arrive from different departments. Your stuck with the smartass of the group threw all these who hold the only screen with any chance of watching something while your stuck waiting. The only problem is the smartass is a huge anime lover and will only let you watch anime on their screen with them so, you make a choice. Watch was your given or die in the silence. What would you pick, I mean the worse you'll get is an Animal wife, an Animal boyfriend or just adopted them as your Anime children" Lance huffed back as he looked Keith dead in the eyes while he blurted it all out to him.

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