Romeo & Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story

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Romeo & Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story

By: H.T. Night

3 Hearts out of 5

Summary from GoodReads: The year is 2099, and New York City, now renamed Verona, has been turned upside down. Three sides have risen up and two of them are immortals. The vampires are led by the House of Capulet, and Juliet's father is the head honcho. The werewolves are led by Lord Montague of the House of Montague, Romeo's father. Lastly, there are warlocks and witches who roam the city, using magic as a last resort to protect their mortality. The two star-crossed lovers from opposing families find one another and fall hopelessly in love. Romeo and Juliet find a magnificent love that goes completely against all the odds of such a great union ever happening. Their love overflows to the point that they decide they must take the ultimate risk and reveal their love to all. How will the houses react when they find out that a prominent member of their family is in love with their sworn immortal enemy? To complicate matters, blood has been spilled. Will Romeo and Juliet's love find a way? In the end, love makes its way to the very last word. Love will always find a way. Always... "H.T. Night is a riveting storyteller, capturing the essence of the vampire genre."

Now time for my review on this action packed, forbidden love filled tale:

This story is a completely new way to look at Romeo and Juliet. It's a modern twist on an old tale. Reading this story is absolutely breathtaking, and the rich language that H.T. Night uses creates a beautiful way to see this timeless classic.

Putting a review for this book is one of the hardest things to do. This book is so different from many books that I have read. It mixes contemporary, Shakespeare, fantasy, and romance all into one to present to you a new kind of Romeo and Juliet. It takes you on a journey through this modern take as you see the Capulets and the Montagues fight, take action involving werewolf smack downs, vampire quips, and the ever longing of love between two forbidden families.

This story truly captures the heartache felt in a modern Romeo and Juliet. Romeo & Juliet: A Vampire and Werewolf Love Story is written in ordinary (NOT Shakespearean) language making it easier for anyone to understand. Night uses such a great variety of words as well as precise timing to create the full effect of Shakespeare, without the Shakespeare.

I think anyone who loves fantasy mixed in with a whole lot of romance will find this book entrancing. It really gave a fresh view on Romeo and Juliet. There's many modern Romeo and Juliet clichés, but Night's book takes a new turn on it, as well as staying true to the classic.

I only give this book three out of five "hearts" only due to the fact that in some places it seems rushed, or where something else could be added to better the story.

Last, but certainly not least, this book is a short read, but I promise that after reading it, you will feel satisfied (much like Capulet vampires)!

Until next time, I bid you all a good read!

Love you all!


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