Prom Dress

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Because I just love to dive right into the angst. Shh. 

Inspired by the song 'Prom Dress' by mxmtoon!

I'm nearing the end of my fourth year
I feel like I've been lacking, crying too many tears
Everyone seemed to say it was so great
But did I miss out, was it a huge mistake?

I can't help the fact I like to be alone
It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know
I tend to handle things usually by myself
And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help

Virgil Black had been grinning when Roman Prince had asked him out to prom. He'd said yes, of course. I mean, one of the most popular guys at your school who you've been crushing on for who knows how long asks you to prom? Why wouldn't he say yes?

He'd immediately texted his best friends Patton and Logan about it. They both were happy for him, in their own ways. He could basically hear Patton's squeals from through the screen. 

Patton and Logan were already going together, and Patton knew Roman (sort of, they were partners in classes and Patton considered themselves friends, Roman just was always busy with his other popular friends so he never came around), so they devised a plan. Logan and Virgil would go suit shopping together on one day, and Patton would go with Roman on the next. 

It was quickly put into motion, and soon Virgil was at home admiring the rather royalty-like dress he'd picked out. Logan had gotten a text saying that Roman was going to wear a suit and Patton a dress, so Logan had helped Virgil pick a dress and he helped Logan with a suit.

I'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress
I'd be the prom queen if crying was a contest
Makeup is running down, feelings are all around
How did I get here? I need to know

I guess I maybe had a couple expectations
Thought I'd get to them, but no I didn't

I guess I thought that prom was gonna be fun
But now I'm sitting on the floor and all I wanna do is run

The weeks leading up to prom seemed to drag out for so long. Roman started coming around more and more often, and was soon taking Virgil on dates after school and on the weekends. Virgil felt happier than he ever had, and it was fairly noticeable. 

Patton and Logan had also made themselves official, and the four of them would often go on double dates. Of course, there were repercussions from being openly gay, and the less popular three would often start finding homophobic messages left on and in their lockers and whispered through the halls, but Roman used his school status to shut that down pretty quickly. He dragged a bunch of people into wearing pride merch to school for a week gay, and soon after that, any homophobia quickly stopped.

It was honestly kind of funny. Even some of the teachers got in on it, and anyone caught being a jerk would be doused in rainbow without warning. Virgil had witnessed the principle getting in on it! It was probably one of his favourite days at school.

I keep collections of masks upon my wall
To try and stop myself from revealing it all
Affecting others is the last thing I would do
I keep to myself though I want to break through

I hold so many small regrets
And what-ifs down inside my head
Some confidence it couldn't hurt me
My demeanor is often misread

Prom had arrived. Patton and Virgil had gone to get ready together, and Logan went with Roman. Their partners outfits would still be a surprise until they got to the school gym, where it was being held.

Patton helped Virgil get into his dress and zip up the back, and Virgil returned the favor. Then the emo teen did their makeup, light winged eyeliner, some sparkly blue (for Patton) and purple (for himself) eyeshadow, mascara, and some light blush. The two grinned into the mirror, equally excited for this night.

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