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Virgil had woken up that morning as usual, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first. He'd pushed off the covers and sat up, glancing at the clock. It read nine twenty eight. He'd slept in, that was weird.

Standing up, he stumbled as his left foot didn't seem to land on anything. Catching himself on the wall, he glanced down to see his foot near transparent. He sucked in a small gasp. He was fading.

But. . .why? Everything was going perfectly well. Everyone, dark and light, had gotten along and created a sort of peace between everyone. They were one big famILY. Why would he have started to fade now, and not long earlier?

As he watched his foot come back into solid view, he gave his head a hard shake. 'Don't think about it now,' he thought. 'Ignore it and it'll be fine. Besides, the others would throw a fit if they found out, you can't let them worry about you.'

Of course, he knew he was lying to himself. But the only one who could possibly catch on was Janus, but as long as Jan wasn't focusing on Virgil too much it was fine.

He continued to get ready, threw on his favourite hoodie and took a deep breath, before leaving the room.

It was later that evening he learned why he was fading. Thomas had been prescribed anxiety pills.

Logan had brought it up at dinner. He mentioned how it will help Thomas in certain cases, and by extension should help Virgil stay more calm too. Virgil had wanted to laugh at that statement, as the pills were doing just the opposite really. 

But if they helped Thomas, than he was fine. It's not as if he was going away permanently, he just wouldn't have his physical form. It's not like he was ducking out (quack) again.

No one doubted what Logan said, he was the logical side after all. He was almost never wrong.

Almost a week later and Virgil would lose almost a whole arm or leg at random now. He was able to sort of predict it now, the limb would start to tingle and go numb. It was hard to hide, but luckily he wasn't often the center of attention anyway.

But he had noticed Janus giving him suspicious looks as he would suddenly stumble, or switch hands when he was holding something. He ignored it though. No one bothered to confront him about it yet. He would be fine.

He would be fine.

And so would they in the end. He would either go back to no physical form, or into fear or paranoia again. It was fine.

Soon, he decided not to leave his room ever. When he needed food, he sunk out into the kitchen and back again so no one would notice.

He was sure no one had, at least. 

But after one quick in and out, a certain side started to put the pieces together.

Janus waited patiently in his room as everyone, minus Virgil, came over. He had called a small meeting, saying it was urgent. Soon enough, everyone was there, seated in a small circle on the floor.

Patton cocked his head. "What's up, kiddo?"

"Yes, why were we called?" Logan asked. "I do not recall any sort of emergency recently."

Roman nodded. "Plus, Hot Topic isn't here, why?"

Janus took a deep breath. "He's why I called you here. Something is wrong with Virgil. I'm not sure what but I believe he is hiding something from us lately."

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