Thank You

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Guess this is the part where I say thank you all for giving my story a chance.

At first when I started the story I was a bit worried.
Lmao, I was just like 'what if they don't like it!? What if they don't give a fuck!?'

Let's just say I'm happy about how my story turned out.

Also I've been meaning to say something that I've been holding onto.

During the beginning of my story I was so excited about it.
I wrote 24/7 and had many ideas. However, I slowly started pushing myself too hard. Soon I began to lose ideas for my story.
I began to get more writer's block than usual.

I was totally stressed, and even began to feel depressed.

I was going through some stuff irl as well so that didn't help much either.

I was a wreck.

Fun fact, I actually thought of ending the book completely, and not continuing it.

That's how bad it got.

But then came along you guys.

Your guy's feedback and positive comments made me feel special. It made feel motivated, and made me want to finish what I started.

I don't really like to talk about myself much. But I'm sorta glad I can say some of it here.

Overall, I learned something that will make me see things a bit differently now.

One being I shouldn't really push myself too much.
That it's okay to take breaks once in awhile.
And that maybe it's okay to to feel the way I feel sometimes.
I learn from it and overcome it.

Anywho enough of me.

I just want to thank you all! I already said it, and if I could I would do it a million times.

For some this doesn't mean much, but for me it means a bunch.

Who knew typing was hard while tearing up lol.

I'm also happy to say that I'm working on another story.
I don't want to give much away but I'll give a small hint. It's related to my pfp.

I know I'm barely ending this story, but if you guys are interested in a...perhaps sequel. You can let me know. Who knows? Maybe they'll be something in the future.

Thank you all once again for reading my book and reading until the end.
You guys are just so amazing ♡

Keep being amazing.

And remember.

💙~Lapidot Forever~💚

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