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#two_parts_short_story ❤

#2_vaaste ❤



Kunj was waiting for the signal to be cleared...... Meanwhile his eyes got stuck on a girl and her daughter who were on the scooty..... Kunj eyes starts filling with tears..... Kunj was continuously staring them....

Traffic signal got clear and the girl drove away her scooty ......

After the sight of that girl vanished.... Only one word comes from his mouth with teary eyes....


Yes guys she was tw...


At xyz school

Tw parked her scooty ..... Took the girl child and left her in the school compound....

Tw - Priti..... Study well ..... And don't fight in the class ok....

Priti - oh ho mum.... I m not a child..... 😅😅

Tw - yah u r the grand mother of all of us....😂😂

Priti - bye mum

Tw - bye 😍

Priti headed towards her class room and tw leaves for hospital....

But from the school gate kunj was watching them.... And heard their conversations..... He was crying silently..... He also leaves for his office.....


Kunj was thinking about tw and her daughter......

Kunj - she had moved on in her life......💔 Then why I m waiting for her to come....😭😭😭 She has a daughter...... She is happy with her family..... I won't interfere in her life.......

meanwhile his phone rangs.... He received the call.....

Kunj - ha Pakhi bol.... (Pakhi is his younger sister )

Pakhi - bhai ..... Will you pls pick up Pari (her daughter) from xyz school ...... Pls.... I have come to meet Mummy (their mother) and pari's father is not at home..... He is out of City for some work.... Pls bhai .....

Kunj - but I don't know the address of this school

Pakhi - I will text you.... Thank you bhai.....😍 Love you....

Kunj - ok

Call cuts...

He received a msg from Pakhi.... This is the same school where Priti studies....  He doesn't want to go... But he had told Pakhi so he goes.....


Tw was in meeting...... It's 1 pm .... She gets to know about the tym.... She takes leave and leaves for the school....


She reached school 30 mins later..... all students have gone.... She asked the guard about Priti .....

Guard - yes she was here.... But when u didn't come at tym.... She told me to tell you that she is with her frnd in her (pari) car ...... This way.....

He pointed his finger in the left where Priti and pari was playing outside the car.... And kunj was inside the car..... He sees tw and hides his face so that she would not see him......

Tw calls Priti ...... Priti sees her... Priti and pari come to tw.....

Tw - sorry beta ..... I was in meeting .... I didn't notice the tym.... Sorry....

TwiNj ❤️ SS ❤️  (Short Story) ❤️Where stories live. Discover now