Chapter 5

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Andy's POV
Sweet! Perfect timing to get ready for the proposal. I didn't mean to go off on her the other night, I didn't want it to be suspicious.
'What am I getting myself into?? Is this the right choice? Will our relationship go down hill from here? Will we end up having kids?'
I was over thinking everything. I just needed to ask her the question and go on from there.

"Melissa Elizabeth Jones, will you marry me?"

'Long pause, oh fuck!'

"Yes!!!!" She ran down the stairs and I had to quickly jump up before she ambushed me to the ground.

"I love you so much Andy!!!" She practically squealed in excitement; she was suffocating me with kisses.

"Can I put the ring on yet?"

"Oh yeah." She held out her hand and I slipped it on.

"How does it fit??" I asked with an anxious tone.

"It's a little snug, but I don't care. I love it!"
I smiled from the inside out; I knew I really wanted this.

Melissa's POV
All that was going through my head was that one, I'm engaged, and two, I'm one step closer to calling Andy my husband!!!
I immediately grabbed my phone and took a picture to show it off to everyone on social media.

"Who are you sending that to?" Andy asked looking over at my phone.
"To my mom, my friends, people on my Twitter and Facebook." I don't care if he wanted me to show it off or not, I was going to anyway.

Andy's POV
I wanted her to be happy and I got that. I just wish she wouldn't have put it all over Twitter, the band will find out and think...
I really don't want them to think that BVB will be over after me and Melissa get married. I want to continue with my music career and making our fans proud.

I love Melissa to death, but I refuse to give up the band, and our fans.
When I'm on stage, I do miss Melissa a lot, but when I'm home I miss being on stage. Melissa makes me so happy, even the guys like the effect of her on me.
I just pray it stays that way...

Melissa's POV
We arrived at the studio when everyone else was just arriving.

"Well perfect timing you mother fuckers." Andy said meeting up with the guys.
"I guess so. I thought I was going to be late; had a girl over." Ashley said.
"Not a shocker Ashley." I said rolling my eyes.
We all walked into the studio casually while the producer was getting everything ready.

"Alright guys, lets get to work." Andy walked into the recording room while the guys followed.

I wasn't paying much attention to the song as I was focusing on Andy more than anything. I was smiling, blushing, and blowing kisses towards Andy.

Andy's POV
I was singing 'Devil In The Mirror' when Melissa was smiling at me. I knew this song would be for her, so I rocked it.

"Alright that's good guys, lets do Goodbye Agony after a break."
Our producer informed us.

"So Andy, when did you propose?"
'Oh fuck!'
My stomach dropped to the floor when I heard Ashley...

"Just today why?" My voice shaky.
"Just wondered, it's a nice ring though." I looked at him with fear written all over me.
"So when's the wedding?" Jinxx asked leaning against the window of the producing room.
"I don't know yet."
I walked out of the producing room before anything else was asked. I know what they're thinking... Their musical career is at its end...

"I'm going outside to smoke." I practically stormed out of the building, not caring who was following me.
I love Melissa and I plan to marry her. Maybe not now, but I will later. The band can think what they want, I'm keeping bvb together for as long as possible, and I'll have Melissa right by my side...

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