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Feels like the hundredth time I've walked up to this park. My brother is late coming home again. You'd think a promise is a promise until they break it. He's so going to be on punishment for the rest of the school year. I crossed at the crosswalk and headed towards the park. I could see a circle of fifth graders and older boys cheering, he was definitely in trouble.

I entered the park and pushed through the kids, to see my brother Joey fighting what looked like a 6th grader who was the product of what a bull and a pigs baby would. Joey had tripped him and he fell into me and I pushed him off by reflex. While giving Joey a pissed glare the boy got up and charged at me but Joey tackled him which gave me access to his ear. I grabbed him by his ear, picked his bookbag up along with his coat from the ground and pulled him away before his little friend got up.

"Hey! I wasn't done with him he took my damn lunch." He screamed in pain.

"I thought we had a deal, Joey, What happened to that, huh? You can't keep doing this and you can't keep running away with your badass friends, because I'm teaching you how to fight doesn't mean you constantly let your stupid friends use you to make a dollar either. Dad would kill you if he saw you doing this!" I yelled at him as I pulled him towards the library.

"Why would he care he's probably got a new family in L.A. He ain't got no time for us!" He screamed  finding a way to smack my hand away.

"Who do you think helps me feed your ass every day? I sure in the hell can't while trying to get your school supplies, clothes, shoes, and anything else you might need my stuff aside. I can't do this without your cooperation, you have to help me by not getting into trouble. Next time the police pick you up their making a house visit, then what?" I said handing him his coat frustrated.

"I'm sorry okay?.." he said taking his coat.

"You better mean it because you are on punishment. Now come on I'm going to be late for work!" I said grabbing him by his shoulder.

We walked down the street and on the right the library entrance stood. I ruffled Joey's dark red hair playfully as we entered and placed my hands on his shoulders.

"Go do your homework..." I whispered guiding him off towards the tables.

Joey wanted me to dye his hair "blood red" he calls it, its the only thing he wanted for his birthday. Joey looked exactly like me when I was younger which was a little scary, he had green eyes, big ears, rosy cheeks, and the only difference is his freckled nose. I watched him walk over to his usual seat then I went into the breakroom behind the main desk to clock in. Going back up front I bumped into my boss Nate causing him to fall. I helped him up and helped him pick up the books he dropped.

"Oh hey, Theo! I thought you'd be taking the front by now." He said when he noticed it was me.

"That's where I was heading... Sorry by the way I got a little distracted." Nate pushes his glasses up on his face then blushed a little. He was a pretty cool guy and a amazing artist too. He had gray eyes which were kind of ironic because his last name is grey, he was tall and had the body of a slim track star, he wore a black sweater, blue jeans and a pair of black converse. Pretty new compared to mines.

"Oh okay!" He said with a wide smile. Nate studied at the college a few bus rides from here and also lived off campus.

"Yeah try not to fall again today because I won't be there to pick you up next time," I said while he sat the books he had in his hands down and followed me towards the beige cart behind the desk.

"Ha! Funny, but umm... I was wondering since you saved my life and all we could go to the movies together... I mean will you go to the movies with me? My treat." He said nervously scratching his head.

"I can't leave my brother alone... Plus you're my boss... Well asking me makes you look unprofessional. Besides I'm not as free as I use to be." I said fixing the stack of newspapers after moving the cart of books.

"He can come with us, I don't mind at all and yes, that I am but you honestly look like you need some fun. Like old times. Eh?" He smiled again.

"Sure I guess but not today.." I said starting to sort the returned books.

"How about next Frid-" He was cut off by a guy that looked as if he was on serious steroids wearing dark shades, bald and stood what seemed to be six feet tall.

"Can one of you show me where the ancient Greece section is?" Nate and I both looked at each other as if it was a mystery, I walked over to the big book with all the sections written down since it was a huge library.

"Got it.. 3C row 5 I'll show you where it is. Give me five minutes Nate I'll be right back." I said before walking over to the elevator with the brute following behind. He seemed kind of creepy... very... Creepy to be honest.

"So is the little guy with the red hair yours?" His voice made me jump as we waited for the elevator.

I didn't respond but I was curious and wanted to know why he asked.

"Afternoon Theo, what floor?" Each floor and elevator had a police officer since the place was huge.

"Afternoon officer Daniels, 3 is the magic number."

"Got another researcher or something?"

"Yeah, he's looking for some books on ancient Greece," I said looking back at the policeman. The brute was silent breathing calmly something about him worried me though.

"I'll inform jazz and Conley." Once we left the elevator Daniels got on his radio, I'm guessing I'm not the only one who thinks so for a slow day. We walked down to shelf 3C and went down the aisle.

"Is there any specific books you are looking for?" I said walking in front of him making sure some of the books were placed right.

"I think I found one."

"Gre-" before I could turn around I was hit hard and everything started to go black.

This is my new story yes its a short chapter but hope you guys like it so far vote, comment or follower please and thank you.

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