Fresh Ice Cream...

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*warning mild language*

It had been 2 months since Cassidy's death...

The family and yourself made the Sister Location public after the Fredbear Diner had closed down...

Michael still mourns over his lost brother, he works hard with the family to redeem himself...

Elizabeth has cheered up slowly over time and spends time with her friends with the animatronics...

You were still saddened by Cassidy's death but solemnly gazed at Elizabeth having fun with the other children...

Vincent had gone quiet for those 2 months, he only ever spoke to you, but he's trying to reforge his  bond with Micheal, after seeing his youngest son killed before his eyes he has become very protective of his family...

Elizabeth seen her friends get closer to Baby, she wished to get closer...

So she did...

She'd seen Baby make balloons for them all...

"Elizabeth don't get to close to Baby ok?" Vincent told

"Oh Daddy why won't you let me play with her? All the others get to... You made her because of me didn't you?" Elizabeth asked

"Yes but we don't want to you die like Cassidy..." Vincent reminded his daughter of the Bite of 87

"Cassidy... I'll be very careful..." Elizabeth assured

"I know you won't Elizabeth I know you..." You replied

"Mum!" Elizabeth pouted

"I'm sorry Elizabeth... But the answer is no..." Vincent told

Elizabeth was left out in the fun...

She wanted to go back, but she knew if she did she'll get in trouble...

So she looked at what the family was doing...

She had seen her father talking to you...

"Y/N I have to go fix Funtime Freddy again, his voice chip broke down again this time it was the children again..." Vincent told

"Ok I'll keep watch on the children with Ballora..." You replied

Micheal sighed to himself as he seen Funtime Foxy singing to children with his Foxy mask placed on the table next to him

"Cassidy if only you were here now, it's all your fault!" Micheal took the mask and stomped on it

The mask had been crushed to bits...

"No one is watching..." Elizabeth told to herself

She went with the children to see Baby up close

"Don't tell anyone I was with you ok?" Elizabeth spoke

"Your secret's safe with me..." Baby replied in a whisper

Purple Roses (COMPLETED) Purple Guy x reader pt 2 of Purple is my favorite colorWhere stories live. Discover now