horror movie oneshot

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Mary loves horror movies, so does Ava. Camilla is definitely scared of them, always burying her face in whoever's shoulder is closest. Lilith says they're cheesy and predictable, but she still flinches when there's a jump scare. Beatrice is absolutely terrified of them, having nightmares almost every time she watches one. But when asked about it she just says, "I have no interest in these things," and instead pulls out a book. A distraction. Something to get her mind off of the horrifying pictures on the screen. Which obviously doesn't work. So when Ava taps on Beatrice's shoulder asking if she's okay when the movie ends, she grabs Avas wrist and twists it behind her back.

  Mary loves horror movies, absolutely adores them.

  Rooting back to her childhood where she'd watch poorly made horror movies when her parents weren't home. Quickly gaining a tolerance to all things horror, finding solace in them.

  She loves the nostalgic feeling of the familiar build-up before a jump-scare, the urge to shout at a character that is so extremely clueless that it's aggravating, the satisfied sigh she always lets out at the end of a movie. 

  Mary loves horror movies.

  Ava does as well.

  She wouldn't go as far to say she loves horror movies, but she does enjoy them. Twelve years of watching tv, she was bound to encounter some. Her first horror movie had scared her shitless.

  She was only ten years old so it made sense.

  But that didn't stop the nightmares she had for a month and a half. Of course, Sister Frances would scold her for watching such nonsense. She would often wake up screaming from fear so suffice to say Sister Frances didn't like that all too much. More often than not, she came storming into Ava's room and yelled at her for how much for a burden she was being.

  Ava remembers her exact words the first night she had a nightmare, "No wonder your parents died, they probably wanted to get as far away from you as possible. You rotten child."

  Rotten child.

  Ava wanted to cry herself to sleep that night but she knew she'd be too loud. So as an act of rebellion, she purposely spent the next year finding horror movies to watch.

  Every time she watched one she felt like she was sticking it to Sister Frances, enforcing herself to not be scared. That she could handle it. She wanted to prove to Sister Frances that she was responsible enough to watch horror movies and not be terrified.

  She wanted to prove that she wasn't a burden.

  So with every scary movie she watched, her tolerance for them grew. Now, she watches horror movies with pride. She was happy with herself that she's not scared of them anymore.

  If anyone at Cat's Cradle knew how that came to be, it wouldn't be a wonder to them why every time they watched a horror movie for movie night, Ava would point out her ability to not be scared. They would understand why she's proudly shouting, "If any of you want to sit next to me, I will proudly be the shoulder you hide behind!" and winking at Beatrice whenever their gazes met.

  Of course, people volunteered. Sometimes it was Camila, sometimes it was a new recruit. And there were times when Mary would sit next to her just to laugh together.

  Ava enjoys horror movies.

  Camila on the other hand completely dislikes horror movies.

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