Update: I'm Sorry

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Hello, my lovely readers. I believe an explanation is due.

As you may have noticed, I have pulled all 21 chapters of Slumber and subsequently deleted them from the site. This was intentional. For so long, I have found a home on this site and a safe haven in being in a community of fellow writers such as yourselves. Though my time has been sporadic, sometimes interrupted by the occasional year of being away (my bad!!!), I have never doubted that I would have a place to return to when the writing bug struck again.

However, with recent changes that have been made that significantly limit writer-to-writer and writer-to-reader interactions, I think my time here may be coming to an end. Let me be clear,  more than any platform, it is all of you who truly make this site so special. You, the reader. You, the writer. 

I am so indebted to all of you for the critiques, the comments, the votes, and just overall your support. You have had such a significant role in what Slumber is today, and I am so grateful.

I am still writing it. It is still coming along. I still hope that one day it may be published, though that still seems like a far off dream...

Anyways, I just want to say thank you. Thank you to any of you still out there who've supported Saskia, Robyn, and Philip in their journey. I hope one day that I may be able to share them with you once again. 


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2020 ⏰

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