Chapter 2

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I was never good at taking credit for the things I did that actually mattered. I'd give someone a spare pencil in homeroom, and expect an applause. But I'm pretty sure that if I cured cancer, I'd want to keep it to myself. Be a famous illusion. Everyone knows you, but no one knows you are you.


I got into school, and I was surprisingly on time, considering that I sauntered quite slowly from the hospital.

People are usually surprised when I tell them I actually kinda like school. It keeps me away from my mum, I get to see my friends, I have swim team, and the school paper.

The school paper actually isn't even paper. It's more of a blog. I mean we do print physical copies, but with 800 students, certainly not enough for everyone. Most people prefer it online anyways. Because even though it's a school blog, we don't have to filter it, I mean as long we don't promote suicide, eating disorders or any of the sorts.

The school doesn't actually pay for the paper though. The person who started the paper four years ago had a really rich politician for a dad, and he agreed to pay for it as long as it existed, as long as he regulated content and not the school.

Although no reasonable school would allow that, ours did, and I won't say it's because he donated large sums of money every semester, but I won't say it isn't either.

I stopped in front of my locker, and started getting my books for first period.

"I've been standing here for the past three seconds, completely unnoticed."

I smiled and closed my locker door.

"Well Tati, I'm so sorry the world seized to revolve around you for those horrific three seconds."

"Ha-ha bitch, let's just get to class ok." She links her hand with mine, and we walk down the hall together.

"You do know we don't have class together right. I have literature, and you have biology. At the other end of school might I add." I told her matter of factly.

"I'm well aware Maggie, but what kind of best friend would I be if I didn't drop you off at classes during these trying times."

"Ummm...a normal one."

"And when has normal ever been our style. Oh, how's Tyler by the way."

"Still the same. I'm honestly trying to keep my mind off it while I'm in school. I have the remaining 16 hours of the day to do that."

"I hear you sister. It's gonna be ok though. Tyler is going to push through. I know it."

She gives me a hug and walks off.

Tati has been my best friend for about two years. There's no cute backstory or anything. We just had a bunch of classes together freshman year, and ended up hanging out.

She was just more interesting to be around than anyone else I met. She's Puerto Rican. She's also really outspoken, and I'm not shy or anything, but most times I choose to say less. Her fashion sense is also way different from mine. Almost everything I own is thrifted, but her style is more like what you see when you search for everyday outfits on Pinterest. Her taste in general is the opposite of mine, music, movies, you name it. When I think about it, the only thing we have in common is our hair colour, dislike for seafood, and really annoying families. But it still just works.


I walk into my first period class and take a seat in the middle row. I usually sat at the back with Tyler and his friends, but without him there, I didn't really want to.

All his friends were just like him, minus a personality of course. I never understood why he even hung out with those guys. He always said it was just cause it's better to have people that care, even if they aren't ideal, than risk being alone.

I guess it made sense, but I think I'd rather be alone than spend time with people that make me want to gauge my own eyes out.

"Ok class, so today we're going to be writing haikus." Mr. Jones says from the front of the class.


I get into the cafeteria for lunch, and I'm abruptly stopped by Peyton, one of the people I work with on the paper.

"Not you going for lunch when we have a meeting now."

"Give me a break Peyton. I'm tired, and hungry. Missing one meeting will not bring about the apocalypse, I can promise you that."

"If you weren't so vital to the club, I'd get you kicked off."

"Firstly, you don't even have authority to kick anyone off, so shhh. And secondly, give me five minutes to at least pick up some food. I'll meet you there."

I walk up to the table where Tati, Kevin, Jude, and some of their other friends are sitting.
"Hey guys, I've got a meeting for the paper. Don't miss me too much." I say, before walking towards the food line.

"Wait up."
I turn around and see Jude briskly walking behind me.
"And what may you want." I say turning to him, as I pick up a tray from the end of the food line.
"I just wanted to ask you to pleaseee look out for a message from Bree, for yours truly."
"Don't do this to yourself Jude. Desperation is not a good look on you, and you know that even if she does send in something, I can't tell you. Client confidentiality."
"Oh come on Maggie, stop talking like you're a shrink or something. No one is going to know if you tell me."
"Well I'll know I told you."
"Wow, what will become of the universe if you don't have a clear conscience."
"Make all the jokes you want, still doesn't change the fact that I'm not going to help you. And have you ever considered just talking to her, rather than being so shallow as to think she's writing to the advice column for help in your non-existent relationship."
"Hey, we're still in a relationship, we're just on a break."
"Sure you are Judy. And you're going to make me late."
I glance at my phone, "Looks like I'm already late."
I hand him my tray and pick up a cupcake instead, walking out of the cafeteria.
I was actually considering helping Jude when I saw the desperation on his face.
Him and Bree had been dating for four months when Bree told him she thinks she's depressed, and a relationship just might be the last thing she needs right now.
She still loves him though; she just needed some time apart. Some time, which now equates to two weeks of her completely avoiding him.

WRITER's Note: thanks for making it to the second chapterrrr. I hope you guys are enjoying it. The story is still just giving background information to settle into the story so don't be mad if it isn't very suspenseful yet. But I promise you there is so much more to come.

Also, please vote, for an extra greeting in my next chapter🙃 (kurtis Connor reference if anyone got it)

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