Chapter 2

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After celebrating, you guys decided to take a walk in the neighborhood park. The stars were shining brightly and the and moon was glowing so bright that it looked like a lamp. "Oh Robert, this is amazing." You held his hand as you gazed up at the stars.

"I know you're amazing," he said with a wink. You looked back at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You could feel yourself get warmer as you two walked next to each other. It was almost midnight, so you headed home.

Robert had been invited to a party and asked you to go, but you were too tired. He tucked you in, gave you a kiss on your forehead, and left for his friend's party.

*At the party*
Robert was getting wasted and was flirting with other girls. "Oh cmon, just one night. Come over at my place," he didn't know what he was saying. he was drunk. Like the other time he went to a party. He was able to persuade the random chick, and headed home.

*At your house*
You were sleeping peacefully and didn't hear the noise Robert and the girl was making. Those noises were laughter and falling off the bed.

~The Next Morning~
You woke up and went over to your window. You saw the blue ocean with the waves rolling in, everything seemed so calm and peaceful. You went over to Robert's room and saw him but stopped as you saw someone else, sleeping. His arms were wrapped around her and his head was resting on her shoulder. They were both naked.

You slammed the door shut and walked back to your room. You cried as you changed, fixed your hair, and packed your stuff to stay at a hotel for probably about a week. You heard a knock on the door. "Robert, go away," you said while gasping for air. "Look, (y/n), I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take her home and sleep with her." You shook your head.

"What a bunch of lies. Nice try Downey, but I'm leaving." You opened the door and saw Robert with a sad face. "Please don't go," he begged. "Please don't sleep with other girls," you tried to mock him. You walked pasted him and saw the other girl standing at the door. You walked by her too. "(Y/n), wait!" You ignored everything around you.

*Inside the Hotel*
You phone was ringing, and of course it was Robert. You ignored it. You went as far as even blocking him. Why can't he understand this relationship right now? All these negative thoughts were running through your head. Tears streamed down your face as you cried yourself to sleep. Maybe this nightmare will end...

Oh Robert Downey Jr.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt