Chapter 3

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~A Few Days After (in the hotel)~
You woke up again, not remembering where you were. Then you saw your suitcase, and felt your wet pillow. Just give yourself today to think about it, you thought, and maybe you can make the right choice for your own good. You unblocked Robert's number and read the text messages and voice mails he sent you.

"Hey babe, I just wanna say that I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday and I hope you'll forgive me for my stupid mistakes. Love you <3

You listened to his voicemails. They were all the same thing, Robert half talking/half crying about you. The poor man, but he deserved it. You didn't know when you would got back to him. Might as well text him and make things right.

*your name will be y and Robert's name will be R*
(Y): Hey..
(R): Oh my gosh, (y/n), I'm so sorry. What I did last night was wrong and I hope you forgive me. I understand if you don't.
(Y): Look Robert, I'm not going as far as breaking up with you. I just needed space and time to think about this.
(R): Oh..
(Y): If I were to forgive you though you have to promise me one thing.
(R): Anything for you. I can't lose my most prized possession(:
(Y): You would have to promise me to not get drunk when you go to parties.
(R): I promise.
(Y): Okay(:
(R): So my arms are waiting to wrap around someone special. When are you coming back again?
(Y): Hold on, I have to eat breakfast. Talk to you later baby <3
(R): Okay, but you better answer my question missy (;

You laughed. You didn't need to eat breakfast, you already did. The reason why you left the conversation was to surprise him. You would surprise him by driving back to your house and knock on the door.

*After arriving at your house*
You knocked on the door with a huge smile on your face. You tried to looking stunning before you saw Robert. He opened the door and his jaw dropped. He squeezed you as you tried to say hi. "It's great to have you back home," he smiled. "It's great to be home," you replied. And with that, you kissed him cheek, just like the time when you both went to the park.

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