47. Until The Cities Lie Ruined

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By the time the flowers began to blossom again, we had already rebuilt most of what had been destroyed. When I said we wouldn't execute what was left of Mother's army, some people in the group tried to argue but, in the end, as angry as we were, most agreed there had been enough death.

We separated them into small groups and drove out in different directions, leaving them to fend for themselves. Some remained angry and hostile, but most were just glad to be alive and, without anyone left to follow, felt no loyalty to any of the others.

"We need to rebuild the gate," Annie had said when Ron asked about the reconstruction plans.

"No," I told her. "We're not shutting ourselves off. We're not hiding and we're not closing our doors to anyone. We'll have safety measures but no gates," I said. "No more walls."

She thought about it for a moment, then a small but genuine smile crossed her face.


Between nightmares, I paced my bunk, when it was warm enough to go outside again, I paced the compound. We were rebuilding but it wasn't over. After months of not being able to sleep, I knew what I had to do.


I zipped the backpack and pulled it over my shoulder. "Don't stop..." I muttered to myself, turning my attention out the window. A blue tint lit the empty road as dawn was beginning to break. "...Just keep moving," I said and pulled the door open.

I hurried along the road, moving toward the exit. Recent rains made it hard for me to avoid splashing along puddles as I sped to the broken gates.

"Well?" Annie said as she stepped out from around the corner in front of me. I froze. Caught. "Is there a run I didn't know about?"

"I'm not going on a run, I'm..."


"I'll be back soon," I said.


"I don't know exactly."

"Wait here," she said.


"Just, wait." She ran off toward her own bunk. I waited for a few more seconds before seeing her again, this time she had a heavy backpack on her shoulders. I opened my mouth but before I could say anything she ran into Marcus' bunk. After another minute, the two came running out, he too had a backpack.

"What's this?" I asked.

"We're coming with you," she said.

"You don't even know where I'm-"

"There's no changing her mind," Marcus said. "I tried."

"How did you pack so fast?" I asked.

"We've been packed for two weeks," she replied.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Please," she rolled her eyes.

"You don't have to do this," I told her. "Really. You could stay here, they need leaders."

"If you hadn't done it for me, I'd be dead now."

"Took long enough," Seth said as he walked up to us, bag dragging on behind.

"You too?" I asked.

"I'm not much of a builder," he said.

"Get Margot," Annie asked Marcus who diligently jogged to her bunk.

"Margot?" I asked.

"She saved our lives," Annie said. "This is what she came back for." Margot and Marcus came walking toward us, she too had already packed a bag. I had never thought to ask anyone to come with me, and now, I realized I didn't have to.

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