Week one

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The sky was dark. It was 8:00 in the morning I was woken up with my little sister trying to open my eyes with her hands. "Cami! it's time to get up and around mom says it is!" my dad then came in and told me why my room was still dark when it should be daytime. There was a fire. It wasn't close to our house it was about 40-minute drive away. I wasn't worried, it almost made sense that the sky was dark, and it was raining huge amounts of ash! It fit into the world of 2020, I half expected some little green aliens to use this time of darkness to take over the world or something, it would have fit right into the messed up world we were experiencing. At 8:00 in the morning I could not see the street 40 feet from any of my 12 windows! If I were to have turned off my lights, I would not have been able to read a word in any book! The smoke continued for days, going up and down in quality sometimes It would get fairly good like in the low hundreds, it once got down to 17! But then would soon get worse into the 6 hundred sometimes. Oroville got into the thousands though. It was not scary to me as much as weird. But for some of my friends-I know it was really stress inducing. The fire was not burning buildings for a while, just trees and plants. It started burning buildings but not too many. People were getting evacuation warnings, and some were actually evacuated. This weird fire gave us a whole day without light, and you couldn't see the sun, when you could it was dark red or orange. It made the weather weird too! A few days before it got up to 107 or 108 everyday, but that day it was in the low 70's. That fire was just a little percent of the crazy, weird, insane things that happened the first 6 months of 2020.

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