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Sorry I cant get the screenshot up but this was made by:


Go give love to this been.

So why don't we get started.

Bryan POV

I haven't seen Inpu in a while. Omg is he ok. I haven't seen him since our honeymoon so decided to go visit his house but he wasn't their.

INPU. Where are you?  

Babe, are you ok?

Bryan ran up to Inpu and hugged him tightly.

Babe... is everything ok. You seem stressed.


Third Person POV

Bryan got so overwhelmed he started to cry.

!? Babe are you ok because you never cry upon not being able to find me.

Because i wanted to cuddle with yo-   - achoo-

Bryan sneezed and Inpu smirked 

Babe are you sick.

N-    -achoo- 

Inpu picked up Bryan as Bryan leaned his head onto Inpu's shoulder. 

Time skipped me wanting to say a wake but falls asleep any ways. 

When they got back to Bryan's place they sit down on Bryan's bed and they then cuddle.

Hi guys. Sorry i haven't been posting but i was wondering would you read a story fto story that i want to make.

The story will be about the dragon slayers and how overprotective they are of Bryan and when they go and visit him and the protesters but they notice something is off.

So if you want me to do the story. I will still be making OoO chapters but less often due to the fact of school and that i would post chapters of that. So please can you tell me if you would read it.

Have a nice day/night where ever you are and goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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