Chapter 8

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A/N thank you to Nacole for going through this for me.


Jackson sat next to Danny's bed. His best friend was getting wort and worse. He didn't know what to do. His best friend had been hiding the symptoms of this pandemic, and it was also the reason he had trouble with those people that tried to rob him.



"How are..." He coughed, and blood dribbled from his mouth. Jackson reached over and wiped it clean. "I don't have long, I need to –."

"Shh, you're going to be fine."

"I'm trying to thank you for taking care of me."

''You're my best friend Danny," They had talked about turning him, but the pandemic was killing the supernatural as well. They didn't think he would survive the bite.


Melissa had been happy with Derek's progress. The one thing that didn't make sense was the blood she kept taking from him, something was going on, and she promised when there was news she would tell him. This, she didn't know how to explain.


Derek started pacing around the room; his body felt weird. His bones began to ache, he rolled his head, and his neck cracked. Then something strange happened, he opened his mouth to yell, but nothing came out.

Stiles opened the door to Derek's room and froze.

"Talia!" He yelled.

She came running over to him. "What is it?"

"Your son's a wolf."

She moved so she could look into the room and smiled. "Oh, how wonderful, he was such a cute little cub. Look how magnificent he is now."

"I wish I could've seen pictures of him as an itty bitty cub." He laughed at the growl he received in return.

"Actually we might have some. There are some photos in the vault under the school."

"Oh really," He smiled brightly at seeing an adorable Derek.

"What's going...on?" Allison stuttered as soon as she saw the large wolf. "Derek, wow you are a gorgeous wolf."

"He's gorgeous in human form too," Erica spoke suddenly from behind them.

"I think I should teach Derek how to shift back to human. Now all of you shoo." Talia walked into the room and shut the door behind her.


Jackson walked over to Melissa.

"Is there a cure yet?" He was desperate; he didn't think Danny had long.

"We have created something, but we have no way to test it." She placed a hand on Jackson's arm.

"I'll be your guinea pig," Danny said from behind them.

"Danny, are you sure?" Melissa asked the man in the wheelchair. Erica stood behind, holding the handles.

"I don't have much choice; I don't have long."

''Don't say that," Jackson begged he couldn't lose his best friend.

"It's true." He smiled sadly at Jackson and then turned to Melissa. "Please."

"Okay, let's get you set up. I have no idea if there will be any side effects. It is also from a werewolf."

"I understand, let's get the show on the road."

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