Part 11

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You sat in the middle of your apartment looking you had gathered. It had been a few months since you and Spencer had broken up. You had watched his every move. You had found out that before you two were a thing he had played kissy face with a celebrity named Lila. You had also found out that girls at the coffee shop he went to daily would always flirt with him. So you being you, you got there names. A bartender named Austin also had a little thing for him on one of his more recent cases.

You figured you would go after Lila first because she was the furthest. You watched as she got home from filming a scene for a movie and slowly made you way into her house. It was late at night and she was already sleeping. You slowly snuck up and put a cloth over her face. She struggled for a moment and then went limp. You dragged her to your car and tied her wrists and ankles then duck taped her mouth. You safely transferred her to your warehouse where you would keep all of them. And you chained her up and dosed her with drugs to make sure she would be knocked out while you went and got Austin.

You repeated everything with her and chained her up next to Lila. Next you got the three girls who had very obviously flirted with Spencer and chained them up as well. Then you stepped back to look at your work. You had finally done it. This was far from over yet you had some torturing to do. After all they did try to steal Spencer from you.


Spencer and the team had just gotten back from a case when they were notified about Lila's disappearance. They normally kept tabs on victims of cases they had worked on after Frank and his attempted killing spree. Shortly after being notified of Lila's they had also been told Austin had also disappeared.

"What the hell is going on." JJ murmured

"I have no clue." Hotch said as he looked back up at the team.


You had so many options of who to start with. You were thinking of leaving Lila for last since she did actually kiss Spencer. Then Austin for flirting with him. So you decided You would start with one of the three girls.

You slowly walked up to one of them, her name was Lindsey and she had brown hair and green eyes. She would've been pretty if she didn't try to go after what was yours. They were all still knocked out since the dosage of the drug you used was so high.

You slowly bent down to Lindsey's level and gave her nice slap across the face to wake her up. She slowly woke up still drowsy from the drugs. At first she looked around to gather in her surroundings but then she looked up at you.

"Wh- who are you?" she cowarded in fear as she looked up at you.

"Your worst nightmare." you simply replied as you stared at her.

I am so sorry for leaving you guys hanging for so long. I was just to lazy to update and I feel really bad. Also school swamped me with a ton of work. I am so sorry. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter though.

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