Chapter One

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Mr Oak watched as the children ran around the cosy room pretending to be all sorts of pokemon, from the great Salamance to the feeble, but still cute Snom.

They were not related to him, but to the children he was their second family, their God-parent.

Mr Oak was an interesting person. He almost always wore jeans or cargo shorts, he had the air of a scientist yet the appearance of someone who would spend most of their day at a skate park or in the high street.

His hair was the colour of the bark of an oak tree, and Mr Oak made sure it was always styled into the largest collection of spikes known to man.

Mr Oak sighed. His mind flashed over thoughts before he spoke up.

"Children, would you like to hear a story?", he asked.

"Yes please Uncle Gary!", they replied eagerly.

Gary smiled when they said Uncle Gary. To them it might not have meant much, but to him being part of their family meant the world.

"It all began many years ago, when I was no older than eleven," Gary began.

I was enjoying my lunch when my Grandfather, Professor Oak burst out the doors of his lab.

"Gary!", the Professor exclaimed. "Someone has just caught the god of pokemon, Arceus!"

I spat my food out onto my plate.

"I hope they will share it with the scientific community for further studies."

"Would you like me to assist you with your studies?", I asked.

"Yes please."

With that he turned around and walked back into his lab, from which he would not emerge from for the rest of the afternoon.

The next few days were spent studying Arceus. We learnt that it came from an egg, and that it could use some mystical plates to change type and colour.

Time went by, and eventually the trainer decided to deposit Arceus in a PC Box for safe storage. It was not unknown for pokemon to be deposited in these boxes, but no one really knew how key Arceus was in the daily cycle of life.

I had a very close friend once. His name was Ash. He was always very energetic, very lively and fun to be around. I have been friends with ever since. I have to admit I did like him in other ways too, but that is irrelevant. Of course, over time Ash made new friends and we drifted further apart, but he will remain close to me forever.

It just so happened that the same day that this trainer decided to discard Arceus would be the same day I was in Alola with Ash and all of the gang. It was Ash's birthday, you see, and Ash had invited everyone, and I mean everyone.

We spent all day in the sun, having fun and catching up with one another. When the sun went down, the real party began.

Ash challenged everyone to a pokemon battle, nothing out of the ordinary. We laughed, played some reckless games, and I swear the drinks tasted differently after Lana refilled our cups.

It must have been around midnight when we began to notice subtle changes around us. The sky was clouded, unusual for an Alolan summer night. It also seemed cooler, as if a gentle breeze had swept in.

Suddenly, the fire went out.

"What was that?", asked Kiawe.

"I-I'm scared", stammered Lillie.

"Its okay", Mallow replied. "Hold my hand."

"Sssshhh", whispered Iris hoarsely. "Can you hear that?"

Nothing. There was no sound. No pokemon calls, nothing. Just silence. The pokemon world was never silent. This was bad. Very, very bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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