02 → The Lament of Eustace Scrubb

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Nobody could erase the image of Dia sobbing in the middle of the living room as she explained what happened 3 years ago in Sokovia

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Nobody could erase the image of Dia sobbing in the middle of the living room as she explained what happened 3 years ago in Sokovia. To say that the information shocked them is possibly the understatement of their lives. Thor, Bruce and Bucky already know that she's magic and more. Tony, Natasha and Clint know about Jonathan. They know what happened and how. But they didn't know about the magic part, just like the others didn't know that Dia had another brother. A younger brother who's dead.


Because of them.

An avengers casualty.

After Dia came clean about that day, she felt 20 times better. She didn't know the weight it carried on her shoulders. She thought everything was fine and that the secrets she was holding weren't going to affect her that munch but they find a way to consume you, eat you from the inside out. The panicked dreams, anxiety coming and going. That night Dia was probably the only person who slept more than two hours. All the revelations kept everyone up, thinking and pondering and suddenly things made sense.

"Dia doesn't have favorite avengers. She hates us all" Natasha told them when the group finally noticed Dia in the compound and we're eating cupcakes Dia made with Clint's kids.

"Fuck Iron Man and Captain America" an Instagram post from May 2015.

Then there's Dia's relationship with Pietro. They're good friends, close friends. Helping her with her anxiety attacks, that trip to the zoo, how she didn't help Clint or anyone else when it came to pranking Pietro, how happy she was when Pietro apologized and they began to hang out again when they were at the roller rink. It was because of him, because of Jonathan.

Pietro is alive because Jonathan told Dia to heal him. If they hadn't done that then Pietro would've been dead and Wanda would know exactly how Dia feels. Pietro got shot many times and lived, while Jonathan got shot once and died. Where's the logic in that?

The following morning was awkward to say the least. How do you go on after what happened last night? Should they do something for Dia? We're sorry your brother was a casualty of our mess? We're sorry for doing this to you. Thank you for saving Pietro. What do they do? What do they say?

"Where's Dia?" Natasha looked around the living room where everyone is quietly and silently sitting around.

Bucky sighed and answered, "Strange thought it would be a good idea for Dia to go see her therapist" Natasha nodded. Maybe they should start seeing one too.

"Show of hands. Who here knew about Dia being magic?" Tony asked the group. Bucky raised his hand. Bruce and Thor shared guilty looks and slowly raised their hands. "Barnes, I get. But how do you two know?" He motioned between Bruce and Thor.

"It's a long story" Thor answered. "But to summarize, Rhys and Dia were there to witness the fall of Asgard. And they're friends with my brother"

The group was quiet as they tried to make sense of this. Maybe Tony should've left the questions until later. Like when they can get their head around the fact that wizards are a thing and not something from Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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