Chapter 1

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Chapter 1; The Golden Trio

Sunlight clung to the curtains on the Hogwarts Express. I could hear the jovial chatter of fellow witches and wizards as they reunited after their Christmas break. The air seemed to be lit with electricity as excitement ran rampant through the carriages.

Students sent me questioning glances as I passed their compartments. I tried to ignore them and subdue to red beginning to rise in my cheeks at the attention. I feel dreadfully out of place amongst all of these unfamiliar faces and I am acutely aware of my tie – black, as I am yet to be sorted into one the four Hogwarts houses.

As the crowds in the walkway between carriages start to dissipate, anxiety twists in my stomach as I realise, I have to pick a compartment to travel in.

Deciding to just sit in the next available room, I peek in the door and see three faces. They are talking animatedly, their robes proudly displaying 'Gryffindor' badges. There is a boy with red hair, almost as red as mine. His face is slightly pudgy, and freckles line his cheeks. His eyes are alight with adventure as he gestures widely at his other friend – a girl. Her hair a crazed and mousy brown, her cheeks flushed as she smiles. Her eyes seem to sparkle. The other boy in the compartment looks less invested in the conversation as he peers wistfully out of the carriage window and to the landscape outside. His hair is strewn messily across his forehead, the long, black mop of hair tickling his neck.

The students look inviting enough, so I suppress the voice inside that tells me to just find a corner somewhere to hide and avoid human interaction. Raising a trepidatious hand, I tap nervously on the door. The sound is quiet, and I wonder for a moment whether they actually heard, but a muffled voice disapproves my suspicions, 'What?'

I reluctantly open the door and gulp nervously at the three eyes resting on me. I identify the ginger boy as the one who spoke, his mouth filled with a chocolate frog. When he sees me, his eyes widen, and he swallows quickly, 'Sorry, I thought you were my sister,' he licks his lips, clearing the remnants of the chocolaty snack, he then gestures to his red hair, 'it's the red hair, y'know'. He gestures back to my hair, my red locks awkwardly hanging by my shoulders.

The girl rolls her eyes and speaks disapprovingly at the boy, 'Charming, Ron'. She looks back at me and smiles kindly, 'I'm sorry about my friends, they have no manners'. She tucks a rebellious lock of brown hair behind her ear, prompt holding out her hand for me to shake, 'I'm Hermione Granger,' her gaze rests on my black tie, 'are you new here?'

I place my hand in Hermione's for her to shake, grimacing slightly at how undeniably sweaty it is. Hermione doesn't notice – or maybe she's too polite to say anything – I try to match her wide smile. 'I'm Genevieve Green, and yeah, I've transferred from Beauxbatons'.

Hermione's eyes widen, 'You're from France?'

I chuckle awkwardly, still standing in the doorway, 'I lived there for a few years, my parents like to move around'.

'Is it true all the women there are Veela?' Ron questions, his mouth wide. His eyes flick downwards as he opens another chocolate frog. He takes a large bite from the treat, swallowing quickly without chewing. Seeing my gaze, Ron looks between the frog and me, 'Want some?'

I expel a forced laugh, 'No, thank you.' I gesture to the seat beside the black haired and quieter boy, 'Do you mind?'

Almost as if my words knock him from a trance, the boy's head snaps up. 'Oh,' he shuffles over slightly to make more room, 'yeah, sorry'.

I sit down beside the other boy, thick silence suddenly engulfing the room. Hermione rolls her eyes again, 'Harry!' She chastises.

'Oh,' Harry's eyes become wide as he realises, he hasn't introduced himself yet, 'I'm Harry Potter'.

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