Chapter 3

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Chapter 3; The Sorting and the Feast

Rattling and swaying, the carriage moved along the cobbled road. Breaking through my nervousness was excitement as we neared the famous school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I looked back at Luna who seemed content to sit and think as I watched with interest out the window. Curiosity piqued inside of me, 'What were those creatures?'

Luna was happy to offer and answer, 'Thestrals; they're awfully friendly if you make a good impression'.

I nodded in quiet acceptance, 'Why could no one else see them?'

Luna's voice sounded faraway, 'Only those who've seen Death can see them'.

My head cocked to the side in confused, 'Seen Death?'

Luna nodded, lost in thought. Her voice was distracted, 'My mother died when I was young, that's why I could see them'.

I felt a pang of guilt for my curiosity. However, Luna didn't look upset at the memory. On the contrary, she was not perturbed, maintaining her aura of distinct dottiness. Confusion lingered inside me, 'I haven't seen anyone die'.

'You must have,' Luna smiled, 'The Thestrals don't lie'.

There wasn't time for me to ponder Luna's statement as we neared Hogwarts. The castle materialised from outside the carriage window; a gigantic mass of turrets and brickwork. It was spectacular.

The carriage jingled to a halt as we arrived. Luna got out of the carriage first, walking carefully as I followed and joined the crowd of students hurrying up the stone steps and inside the towering structure.

I followed the mass of students blindly, unsure of where to go. Arriving in a spacious hall, my breath was knocked out of me at the sheer beauty of it all.

Four long tables were starting to fill with buzzing students. A black ceiling resembling the night sky erupted from the stone walls lining the building. Shining candles floated mid-air above the tables as ghosts whizzed around the room. The room seemed alight with activity and excitement as old friends embraced and spoke rapidly about their holidays.

I watched as Luna drifted away from me to the Ravenclaw table, lost in thought as she daren't spare a glance back to me. I was unsure of where to go; I had no friends to reunite with nor a table to sit in.

I looked around, looking for some indication of what to do. In my searching, I met the gaze of a stiff-lipped teacher. She looked formidable as her straight back indicated poise and sophisticated. But underneath all of that, she looked kind.

Once the Professor noticed me, she started walking forward, towards me. Her lips were pursed slightly, and she walked with determination. Arriving before me, she smiled with reassurance, 'Genevieve Green?'

I nodded slightly, smiling warmly and with untamed nervousness. This was all so new.

The Professor's voice was austere. 'Good, my name is Professor McGonagall' she nodded in acceptance. 'If you'll kindly follow me, we'll get you sorted promptly.'

She didn't wait for my reply as she marched towards the raised platform where the other Professors sat. They looked altogether welcoming except for a black-haired man whose face seemed set in perpetual sneer. I could feel him watching me and I wanted to disappear under the weight of his stare. Next to him at a woman exclusively donned in pink, her face smiling but not kindly as ice seemed to exist in her eyes.

I joined a long line of scared looking first years, McGonagall gesturing for me to stand at the front. She collected a stool on which sat an ancient wizard hat, patched and faded.

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