Chapter 2

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Chapter 2; Draco Malfoy

The weather remained dark and atmospheric as the train travelled farther and farther north to Hogwarts. Rain seemed to be reluctant as it dribbled from the clouds and against the windows in a half-hearted way. Darkness fell earlier than it did in France, as the lights inside the carriage flickered on. Despite the darkness shrouding the outside world, Harry remained with his forehead pressed against the window of the train. It looked like he was trying to eagerly get a first glimpse of Hogwarts, something I also wanted to experience, but the lack of light outside meant that, outside the window, only illegible and featureless figures existed.

'We'd better change,' said Hermione at last.

Ron and Harry nodded in agreement at the statement as one by one, they trickled out of the compartment and to another room to don their robes. I dug inside my carry-on bag, finding my black robes before following my companions to someplace to change. Somehow, I found myself losing the figures of my newfound friends in amongst the scrambling of other students. Resolving myself to find the next available empty changing room and change there, I looked around nervously for such location. In my desperate search, my gaze landed on the familiar blonde head of Malfoy.

He seemed to be engaging in a similar struggle as he spoke to those around his with frustration. 'Move!' He exclaimed to a first-year boy whose eyes started to shake at the words. Darting off, Malfoy smirked triumphantly as he claimed his newfound changing room.

Much to my horror, this was the very changing room I had hoped to wait for. I would have just resigned myself to wait for another if Malfoy had not already stalked his way towards me and looked down at me with utter annoyance. I realised I was blocking the way to the room.

Malfoy's posture seemed lazy as he waited expectantly for me move. The expectation ignited defiant fire within me. Why should I wait for him? I was here first.

The logical side of me was desperately trying to quell my annoyance as confrontation belongs on the list of 'the top 10 things I hate the most'. I knew that arguing with Malfoy would achieve nothing as I am familiar with his type – arrogant and spoiled. He has been told the world belongs to him and is willing to squash anyone who suggests otherwise.

However, the much more Gryffindor side of me longed to protest Malfoy's rudeness. If nobody was willing to put him in his place, he would live his whole life thinking that this behaviour is perfectly acceptable. I also really wanted to use this changing room, desperate for an end to my search.

My eyes roamed the hall for Harry, Ron or Hermione but I couldn't find them. There was no escaping this situation and the rebellious voice inside me was winning my inner battle.

I looked up at Malfoy, he was over a head taller than me and towered over me. His face seemed to be set in a grimace-like state of constant disapproval and annoyance. I cleared my throat and his eyes met mine, 'Problem, Carrot-Top?' He sneered.

I flushed at the nickname, desperately cursing my red hair for being so obnoxious. My voice sounded timider than I wanted it too, but I managed to protest weakly, 'Yeah, I was here first'.

Malfoy scoffed, 'My apologies, your Majesty,' He made no effort to move, instead his eyes flashed with annoyance and his upper lip curled in a sneer, 'Do you know who I am?'

Based on the haughty and proud nature of his questioning, I was meant to know. I mentally catalogued the extent of my knowledge concerning the boy. I knew that is a Slytherin, that his surname is Malfoy and that is a pig-headed bully with now regard for others. I restrained myself from announcing the last one and instead shook my head.

Malfoy took a step closer to me so that I had to crane my neck to see his face which was twisted in self-important contempt, 'I am Draco Malfoy,' he puffed out his chest at the announcement, obviously proud of his name. It meant nothing to me however as my lips twisted in confusion, this merely angered him further. 'My name belongs to a long line of pureblood witches and wizard; I am descended from Salazar Slytherin himself.'

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