41. When you write a really dark scene and you start to worry about yourself.

42. Cringing at old writing. 

43. Notes just scattered around your house.

44. Just talking to yourself, telling yourself story ideas...hoping nobody can hear you.

45. You imagine yourself as a famous writer in your bathroom mirror, possibly in an interview.

46. You kinda talk to your characters..?

47. You find yourself daydreaming a lot.

48. You can find inspiration anywhere...in a place or time that has nothing to do with the inspiration.

49. The satisfaction when finishing a book.

50. When starting a chapter is always the hardest part.

51. The music you listen to needs to have lyrics full of meaning, hidden message and a lot of vocabulary variety. 

52. Snacks turn into meals.

53. Quarantine didn't affect you much, you don't leave the house anyway.

54. You either love or hate designing book covers.

55. Making your descriptions so full of action!

56. Trying to find a better way to describe someone walking across a room.

57. Synonyms

58. When inspiration hits at like 2am and you need to write it down before you forget it.

59. "No, you cannot read my planning sheets."

What most people think when they hear 'writer': Vintage typewriters, organised notes, cup of coffee and biscuits, rustic cabin.

What writers are actually like: S T R E S S, too much coffee, no sleep, a lot of crying, comparing themselves to others, trying to get their books published but failing, thousands of scrunched up pieces of paper scattered around.

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