Ship Chart

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I did a thing! It's JUST for fun! So let me talk about it!!

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I did a thing! It's JUST for fun! So let me talk about it!!

First of all, this isn't canon, obviously. I'm basing this on my many AUs where Pan is GoChi's daughter and Trunks is usually about four years older than her.

Horny level- as said, easily reversible but both are pretty good to go at any time.

Awkwardness level- Trunks can go 0 - 100 in no time flat. It just depends on the situation. Pan is usually pretty good about keeping her chill.

Jealously level- both of them tend to get jealous very easily.

• Even though Trunks is usually the big spoon, that doesn't stop Pan from being it every now and again. She likes to hug him tight when she sleeps.

• Pan is always wearing Trunks' old shirts. He's tried wearing some of hers, they don't fit XD

• Trunks: *calls Pan by her given name*
Pan: idk who the hell he thinks he's talking to but it's not me

• Trunks is in the middle because of CC. He has to be a people-person to run a company like that, but he much prefers to just stay at home and rest. Pan rather stay at home too.

•Both are pretty good about telling each other sweet things and doing little things for each other to show they care.

•Trunks: I like you
Pan: do you like me or do you like me like me?
She'd be the one that ask him in the middle of the night if he still likes her and he'd be the one saying, 'we've been married for five years.'

• Pan: Spider = NOT HAPPENING

•See how Pan's heart is outside of the line? I head canon that she's a HORRIBLE driver just like Goku XD she's not allowed to drive, EVER

•Trunks does try to help cook. He make ramen and that's at least something.

•Both love PDA and they don't care who judges.

•They're not over-protective as in, 'you can't do anything without me knowing' but more like, 'hey, let me know when you get there so I know you made it okay' etc.

•Trunks dated a little bit in high school but it was nothing really serious until he started dating Pan. Pan on the other hand had only had about one and a half boyfriend and never went on a date before Trunks.

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