Author's Notes [Edited]

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Hello! I am a lemon! You're about to read a story about one of my lemons! (not the sexual kind!)

I have a few things I'd like to make clear once more before you read the story. THIS IS A VERY VERY VERY GAY ROMANCE AMONG US FANFICTION. Meaning, there's a lot of gay stuff that's gonna go down all up in here.

A few things to note before you read, this is considered a MATURE story for 3 main reasons: 1 is because characters may frequently swear, 2 is because there are very violent themes and depictions of violence throughout the story, and 3 is because there will be scenes that include nudity and implied sex.

There will be no full-on smut, there will probably be implications of sex between characters but no written sex scenes. Sorry haha


Hi! It's been a while! if you're reading this you are either new to this story or you are surprised to see this story suddenly returning with new life, rewritten from the ground up! Including this author's note! I wanted to apologize for the large delay, for a long while I realized I didn't like this story, the pacing, the plot, all of it. And what made me even more upset was that I knew at least 1 or 2 people were actively reading this and I wanted to ensure I was both in a good place to make quality work and to deliver quality work. As such, if you are a new reader carry on! This next part will be irrelevant to you.

To those who did read this and may have been confused or upset as to why I hid this story... Fear not, it has returned. Unfortunately, as I was unhappy with the current story I am rewriting literally all the chapters, so if you want the story to make sense I recommend you start over from the very beginning. Some things will be similar but there will be a lot of differences as well, and future parts past the chapter "Dangerous" (chapter 8)  which was the most recently readable chapter may not make sense if you base it on the original story. I won't be posting all of the chapters to read and will only be posting chapters as I update them, all of the old chapters will have a tag in the title to say that they were edited. I am hard at work fixing up all the chapters previously made so I can begin delivering new chapters as quickly as possible!

Thank you for your patience and support, and I hope you enjoy the new and improved 

"Let Me Help You"

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