Saving the city

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Earlier before I hit the big guy in the head.

Ace: Nah, I'm gonna see if I can do anything. I did do exercises and rest for a while plus the rest I got here. My stamina should have been restored. Let me see how strong I am real quick.

Users Info
Name: Ace Age: 15
Level: 2 Power level: 3
Laser Fist
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Gamers Mind: allows the user to see the world as there playground. Is able to do what any games can do. Gives the user a set of objectives and can learn abilities by unlocking them. Only if the user wants to unlock. Also has a list of abilities it can use in the Ability section (say command "open ability list" to open the ability section) of the inventory. Can also carry plenty of stuff. User can also say the commands in there mind. Also can project holograms from his hands and eyes. also can scan people.

Gamers Body: allows the users body to be healed by eating, resting, and can increase strength by completing missions or training.

Ace: damn, i'm not strong enough to fight. I have no chance against those people with suits. Oh I know. Hey sir, do you know if there is a way I can get up on top of the police station from these building right here.

I'm not sure if he knew what I was thinking but my Idea was crazy. Suicidal even. But its worth a shot. While I was planning my Idea, the cops were getting outgunned.

Police Officer: What?! Why do you want to know that? What are you planning on doing?!

He sounds pretty worried about why I asked. I think he knows what I'm planning but he ain't sure. It was worth a shot since they are strong enough to take down robots.

Ace: My Idea is to distract them while you guys call in for the big guns. You know like super tanks or what ever you guys call them. Look trust me, I know what I'm gonna do.

Police Officer: Tch fine, Uh....there is a latter over there at the street behind this one. Once you turn left you'll go to the second alley way and a see a later going upwards.

Ace: Alright thank you. Now rest up and tell your comrades your alright.

I stood up from crouching and my legs felt pain. I ran towards the waypoint that was set and found the latter that he told me. I didn't really plan this far so I had to think of something

Ace: okay what can I use here as a weapon.

I look over and see some trash ok the ground. I saw some pipes on the walls and thought if I should use them. Then again everyone evacuated so no body will know if I did it or not. I did my best to rip out the pipe but it didn't work. I used laser fist to cut out the pipe piece I needed to fight with.

Ace: Yes!! Alright now time to hit one of them as hard as I can.

I saw the latter behind me and began to climb to the top. I jump over some building and manage to make them all. Since I got my pipe I can use the strings that are connected from the two building I stand on. I stood on the last building where I am able to see the fight going on and was ready for my queue to jump

Bad guy: Now now, why are you trying to run away. We need information about the thing your hiding here. WHERE IS IT?!?

Police Officer 1: Where is what?!? We got nothing here you need!!

Bad guy 2: that is where you are wrong. You are hiding the most advanced weapon in the city here. I know because I've gathered enough information we need for this raid. Now tell me, where is the weapon.

??: Its Upya

They all turn around and look up to see me standing on top of a building holding a metal pipe.

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