chapter 2

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song: everything has changed - taylor swift and ed sheeran

nate's not a monster. he just has a lot going on, i guess... i would do anything to protect him and he would do the same, that's all. however he's never been this bad? he is he taking his medication?

"BANG!" i hear the locker in front of me shut.
"HEY!" nate pops out of nowhere enthusiastically.
"hey" i try to match his energy. it fails.
"what's wrong?" he asks
"nothing" i reply back with a smile.
"ok" he says trying to change the subject. i think he knows what's wrong.

"let's go get ice cream" nate suggested
"no, i've got homework to finish. sorry" i apologise
"ok" he replies with an annoyed look.
"love you" i try to say before he turns around and walks the other way.

he's mad.

i try to brush it off, like nothing ever happened and walk to the school car park. i remembered. nate drove me here. i have no way of getting home.

just as i was thinking of how stupid i am i hear my name being called from behind me.

"bailey!" the strange voice calls me
i turn around and see a tall, lanky, brown eyed, fluffy brown hair boy.

i don't know him?

"do i know you?" i try to ask politely.
he seems stunned and offended by my words.

"uhh, u should" he says confused
i give him a confused look.
"i'm louis" he says with a look thinking i should say 'omg i do know you'.

my facial expression is still confused.

"i've been in your classes since grade 1. i've been your neighbour since we were babies" he says still sounding offended.

"oh. louis. your mr and mrs partridge's son" i respond remembering him.

"that's me!" he gives me a smile, looking embarrassed it took me that long to remember him.

"sorry i didn't recognise you. you have grown so much! you look completely different" i say

"it's ok. i was wondering if you would like a ride home?" he asks

"uhhh... why not" i say with a smile.

his smile widens.

i follow him to his car. i'm in shock. he has a tesla? a black one.

"wow. nice car" i say admiring it.
"haha thanks, i got it for my 16th last year" he says.

i smile while getting into the car.

he drives away.

"so are you still dating nate?" he asks breaking the silence.
"uhhh... yeah... yeah i am" i say trying to smile.
"that didn't sound like a positive yeah?" he questions.
"umm... it was" i try to cover my tracks.
"what's wrong? are you guys ok?" he asks concerned, i think?

"oh we're fine" i say
"ok that's good, i guess" he says believing me.

i feel relieved.

he pulls up into my driveway.
"thanks for the ride. we have to catch up some time" i suggest
"yes! yeah i would like that" he responds happily.
"i have to fill you in on my life" i say laughing at his reaction.
he nods.
"have a lovely night bailey." he says with a smile.

"you too" i say before shutting the car door.

i walk up to the front door and wave at louis before entering the house.

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