On The Ice

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Swish, Swish, CLUNK, Swish!

That's the sound that Amity's skates made on the ice. Every time the blade cut into the ice, you could hear the scrape. The heavy CLUNK of the blade hitting the ice again. The sound of the sticks sliding on the ice and hitting the puck was deafening. Amity could hear her rough breathing as she kept up with the team. Her heartbeat was loud in her ears. She had done this for years. This was nothing new. Keep an eye on the puck, don't snow the other teams goalie, and don't play gentle. Out on the ice, it was a terrain of anger, focus, and hidden emotions. Nothing was going to stop Amity from winning her first game of the season as she slid down the ice easily. This was almost like clockwork for her. She lifted her stick slightly as the clock counted down from ten. She took a deep breath, and at five seconds, shot the puck down the ice and then


That was it! She had won! The first game of the season was over and her team had won! She looked at her team as they all hugged in the center of the rink. She clenched her fist to her jersey. Ed and Em would usually come watch her games because gods know her parents never did, but this year, they were away at college and Amity was left alone. She shook her head and skated to go and shake hands with the opposing team. One of the boys smirked and pulled her in to whisper something to her.

"Is the baby Blight missing her big siblings? You can't do anything without them, can you?" He snickered and let go of her arm, just in time for her to stumble off the ice. His laugh rang out through the rink. She couldn't let him get to her, but it was the truth. As much as Ed and Em bugged her, they had never missed a game. She thought of them as a good luck charm almost. The inevitable tears slid down her face as Boscha laid a gentle hand on her shoulder and smiled, handing her the phone. 

Amity took it with a perplexed look, then spoke softly.


The other side erupted into two squeals she knew well. 

"WELL DONE MITTENS! WE SAW THE WHOLE THING ON TV! YOU DID SO AMAZING! WE'RE SO PROUD!" Ed and Em's voices overlapped and she could tell they were excited. The tears flowed freely now. 

"Thank's guys. I didn't think you would see the game." Amity's voice wavered a bit, overcome with emotion.

Ed scoffed and Em spoke up. "Have we EVER missed a game? Yeah Mittens, what do you take us for?" 

Amity smiled and laughed a little. This was the relief she needed. "Thanks you guys. I gotta go change out of my gear now, so I'll call you tonight when I get home." They all said their goodbyes, and Amity hung up, walking into the locker room to peel off her uniform. The stench in the locker room was unbearable to the figure skaters and she and the other members of the team knew that. It was almost as if they were challenging the figure skaters in dominance. They had one side of the locker room and they had the other. Boscha was eyeing a locker and Amity snickered when she noticed which one. 

"Willow? Really? That's your target for today's prank? Why not Gus like always?" Amity raised an eyebrow as Boscha smirked. 

"Fresh meat. They have to learn their place. Plus, Cat called Gus' locker on the ice." She shrugged and then grabbed the soft cotton from her bag, jamming it into the locker.

Amity smiled and opened her locker, a purple ribbon falling out with initials sewn into it. L.N. 


Amity's eyes shot across the room at the locker completely across from hers. Luz Noceda. The head figure skater and her rival. She let out a low growl and shoved the ribbon in her pocket to forget about it. She had to scheme how to get back at her. 

By now, Boscha was finishing her prank and packing her bags. "I'll be outside waiting for you Am. Mom is taking you home today." 

Amity nodded and tugged off her uniform, putting on her change of clothes. She hung her skates in her locker and set her stick on top of the lockers. She sighed and decided to take a basic prank. She grabbed a paper towel and wet it, flinging the ball hard at Luz's locker and as it stuck, she left with a determined smile and her bag slung on her shoulder. 

"Take that Noceda."

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