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Hey, everyone! Thank you for checking out my graphics book! Or... my second graphics book. Actually, my third if you include the cover contest...

What is golden graphics?
After my quite confusing intro, you may wonder, what actually is golden graphics? The title is a huge hint, this book is basically where I post graphics of any kind. All contest submissions, covers I've made, challenges, tutorials/questions, recreations... basically everything except taking requests. Because I only take care of requests in the Cover Shop, so it would be super cool if you checked that out as well. And yes, you read it correctly- challenges. I'm not talking about hosting huge contests, but making minor challenges such as recreating old covers, make a cover out of two random words... I'll dedicate a page only for explaining this, so don't worry if you didn't understand it now.

Who am I?
No, I didn't mean that question as in a philosophical way. I just don't really feel like I've gotten to introduce myself, except in like my bio, but I'm Phoebe Stone. No, that's not my real name- I simply found it in a random name generator because I don't want to share any personal details out here, which is hopefully reasonable. I'm a Norwegian (you know that country in Northern Europe with vikings and winter), who's still struggling with writing in English even after 11 years of learning it at school. This is also the reason why I haven't dared to share a novel in English here on Wattpad, as my grammar is long forgotten and will probably never be found. That's why I'm sticking to creating graphics, where I mostly do covers. I've been making covers for a year now, since I opened my Cover Shop last summer, but I still have a long way to go and lots of things to learn. However, I'm also willing to make stickers, posters, profile pictures even- pretty much anything.

Examples of my work:

So yeah, you can see I do many different styles of designing

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So yeah, you can see I do many different styles of designing...

But I hope you'll find this book somehow useful and fun to read!
Have a good day ♥

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