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There are so many apps out there of all different kinds. Want extra fonts? Fancy filters? Cute cat stickers? I swear, there's an app for literally anything. However, as this can get quite confusing, I hope I can help you out of this mess by giving some recommendations...

Mobile Apps:

I have to admit, most of my covers are made on my phone. The quality may go down a bit and I may have to work with fewer functions, but personally- I find it way easier. Mainly because I can work on the cover pretty much everywhere, whether it's on the bus or in a class (Yes, I have done that before... and yes, I have a problem...). But some mobile apps are surprisingly good and are literal live savers out there that you designers just need to have somewhere on your home screen.

First of we got PicsArt. Free and available on both android and apple devices. You have tons of stickers (including cute cat stickers), filters, fonts, functions, and a billion opportunities. In other words, an absolute must-have.

What I love about PicsArt is that it's so simple to understand. Sometimes I don't want to watch a 40 minute long YouTube video of how a program works and rather just cut right to the actual editing, and this is where PicsArt is amazing. You can actually find inspiration from other creators on the platform as well, even remix their projects or follow instructions on how to do several things. Amazing, right? Obviously, the program isn't just perfection. To gain all functions you have to pay, which is a huge downside for me as I would LOVE to get some of the premium filters. However, here you can also have other apps to replace this loss. Also, I'm not sure if this is just my phone being weird (it probably is lol), but the app crashes somtimes or lags terribly. It has happened on other devices as well, and it's extremely annoying. But again, might be the device itself being a problem and not PicsArt.

Overall an awesome and simple app, I'm so grateful exists.

Holy cow, my covers got a huge glow up after I discovered this app. Let me give an example...

Your classic PicsArt fonts:

Your classic PicsArt fonts:

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Fonts from Phonto:

Fonts from Phonto:

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Other factors MAY have had something to say in this

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Other factors MAY have had something to say in this... but either way, y'all should get off PicsArt for a moment and a have look at Phonto.
The awesome thing about this app is that you can download fonts from websites as well (like dafont.com), so the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Personally, I only use this app for the fonts, but you can also find other functions here like for example filters... etc.

YES. Finally a decent app with amazing fonts my lazy brain can understand. I haven't looked A LOT into it yet, only checked out the most basic options, but from what I've seen till now *chefs kiss*
Again, so many possibilities, and it's so easy to figure out. You can literally turn a gray picture into a professional photography. Let me show you:

basic, boring picture of some random flowers in my living room:

fancy, colorful picture looking like it's taken straight from a pro photographer (not really but shh):

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fancy, colorful picture looking like it's taken straight from a pro photographer (not really but shh):

fancy, colorful picture looking like it's taken straight from a pro photographer (not really but shh):

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Okay, I may have went slightly over the top with those colors in the last one there... but ehh y'all get my point...

So honestly I feel this may be a good place to end this chapter, but please comment if you want a part two as I have way too may opinions about this topic lmaoo

Good luck with editing 💕

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