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I crouched down se we could be in the same level. "Really Aster? I'm a demon now! You can't say stuff like that to me anymore!" I inform her in a kind tone.

"Why not? Demons still have hearts right?" Aster asks while tilting her small head. I look down at my feet but Aster put her tiny finger under my chin and pushed it upwards, making me facing her. "Answer me please." She still has her manners I guess.

I looked everywhere but her. "Demons... Demons don't like to have soft feelings for others... Well I don't." I explain to her. She sighs. She acts like she's so old but she's barely ten. "And some demons don't have hearts. That's why you don't summon them like it's a normal thing to do everyday. Please tell me I'm the first demon you've ever summoned."

"I've seen others in my school summon demons and then they talk about it at school!" Aster said. I rolled my eyes and looked back at her, into her eyes this time. "That's not what I asked Aster." I inform her and Aster groans. How sarcastic.

"Fine, Fine. You're the first ever demon I've summoned." Aster said. She said it while moving her eyes slowly to the left and then to the right after every word.

It looked just like someone wanted to roll there eyes but they didn't know what direction to go.

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