It's a date!

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It was a usual Saturday afternoon. Clary woke up today with a different mood than any other day. She liked this change. A good dream rather than the usual nightmare. She wondered why it was different today. With this thought in her mind she removed the blankets and got out of bed. She could feel her body aching and tired a little because of yesterday's overabundant work. Yesterday was the biggest day of her life. She hosted a grand exhibition of her paintings and she was really appreciated for her art. She went to bathroom for taking a cold relaxing shower. She was still thinking about yesterday when she came out in a bathrobe. Curls of her damp red hair falling on her shoulders. She was thinking about him now. The boy she saw yesterday in gallery. She thought he was strange person who asked her if she could see him. Why did he even ask like that? And how did she know his name? For a moment she felt like she knew him, but then he seemed like a complete stranger. But there was something the way he looked at her, a deep feeling. She couldn't quite figure out what it was. And then she remembered her touching his tattoos on his neck. And after a moment him sprinting away from her. What a stupid move, she thought. Stupid me! Who touches like that to a total stranger? She shook her head as if to remove his thoughts from her mind and started to get ready for her meeting.

"Jace! For God's sake! Open the door now."  Isabelle shouted while knocking on door of Jace's room. "Will you at least tell me you are okay in there?"
Jace was in his room in New York institute. He had locked himself in his room since last night. He was sitting on the edge of his bed holding a paper staring at it.
"Izzy, I am totally freaking out now." Said Simon who was standing beside Isabelle. "I mean, I am more than happy to take rest from my training today. But it's not like him to just not show up for training."  Isabelle knew that was true. Jace hardly ever missed training. She was worried about Jace too. She almost shouted on the door, "Come on Jace, we are coming in." She took out stele from her back pocket and drew an opening rune on door. They both went inside and saw him.
"There you are. What are doing--" said Isabelle and stopped after looking at his hands. She looked at his face worriedly. She could see the dark crescent moons under his eyes which clearly told her he hasn't slept well. She kept her hand on her brother's shoulder and said, "Oh Jace! Have you not slept at all? "
He just nodded. "Did you see her again last night?" Simon asked. Only he could have known what Jace must be going through. He could understand his pain which actually brought them closer than before. Clary and Simon were best friends since what felt like lifetime. He was absolutely missing his best friend. But he also understood the pain Jace was feeling because he knew how much Jace loved her and Clary loved Jace. "Is she okay?" demanded Simon. He just got a big pause in reply. After some time Jace said , "She is fine Simon. Yes, I saw her." He looked at Simon and then at Isabelle. "But she saw me too."
"What do you mean she saw you? Jace! You know she is a mundane now. You cannot risk exposing the shadow world. It is a crime. And why weren't you glamoured?" Isabelle asked with worry but sounded angry.
"I was, Izzy."
"But then she couldn't have been able to see you right?" Simon asked and added, "Maybe your glamour faded or something."
"I am not sure. I mean, I am sure I was glamoured. You know I wouldn't risk going near her without glamour." His glance moving from Simon to Isabelle.
And she called me Jace. She knew my name. He wanted to tell. But the only words came from his mouth were, "Anyways, I shouldn't have gone to see her in the first place."
"I can understand." Said Izzy moving her hand over his shoulder, comforting him. "Now come on. It's already late. You don't want to miss out a chance to kick Simon's ass in training, do you?"
Jace smiled hesitantly and got up. "Go ahead you two. I'll join you in a minute."
He went to bathroom to get ready for training as Isabelle and Simon moved towards door.
He splashed handful of cold water on his face. He could see her when he closed his eyes. Clary saw me. She remembered my name. She could see my runes. God, she even touched me. Before I ran away from her like an idiot. What would have she thought about me. He couldn't believe himself that she really could see him. For a moment, he thought he was just dreaming. But his heart remembered her calling his name, his skin remembered the touch for her soft little hands. Her soul longed to see her again. He wanted to confirm if she could really see him. Lost in thoughts he went to training room and started training with Simon.

The streets of New York in evening are a sight. Rush of vehicles. Clary had just finished her meeting with the buyer for a few of her paintings and was headed home. Home wasn't the place where she lived a year before. That place did not exist anymore. She had got an apartment in Brooklyn from her savings money. It was a fine two BHK apartment. Enough for her to make one room as her art room.
She was walking and she saw a figure in the shadows. And then it was gone. She thought she must have imagined it. But then she again saw that shadow now. In the alley she was walking through. But the shadow was not as far as she thought she saw before. And then again it was gone.
"Clary, -" she heard a voice as light as a whisper. Okay. I did not just imagine that, did I? She thought to herself and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw a figure. A clearer figure but it wasn't the shadow she thought she saw before. It was a boy. A small streetlight was pouring over his head. She could only see his blond hairs and a super-hot back. She couldn't see anything beyond him, what he was doing. She moved towards him. "Excuse me." She said. The boy turned slowly, and she could see the same beautiful pair of eyes, tattoos on neck, a jacket on a plain white T shirt. It was him. The boy from yesterday.
"Can you still see me?" He asked her to make sure of it.
"You are that boy from yesterday. I thought I really scared you off last night."
He looked at her with shocked eyes.
"You know when I touched your tattoos on your neck. I am so sorry. That was absolutely not me. I am not like that. I know we don't know each other. So, I shouldn't have touched you like that. That was -"
"I was going to say stupid." She said with a little shy smile on her face.
"You shouldn't be sorry for anything. I, however, should definitely be apologize for running off like that. You caught me off guard. I am sorry."
"It's okay. It's not your fault. You know, let's start over." She held her hand in from of her for a handshake. “Hello, I'm Clary."
He joined her hand for shake, "I am Jace."
He could feel her soft hands in his hands. It was like a dream come true. Hesitantly he took his hand back and said, "If you are going somewhere, can I walk you?"
"Oh, no-no it's okay. I was just headed home." Clary said. Ask him to come with you. Ask him. Her mind thought.
"Okay. Take care then." He said with as plain face as he could keep.
She waved a goodbye and started walking. But after a couple of steps, she turned to look at him. "Jace?"
She paused for a moment and said ,"You know I said let’s start over. So, would you like to come over my home for a drink with me?"
"Is that a date I am sensing?" He said with a smile which raised his one cheek.
"It's a date!" She smiled. "So, is that a yes or no?"
"Oh, let me see if I can dare refuse such a beautiful girl. Nope. Don't think so." He said smiling at her. She directed him to come with her. As he came beside her, she realised she was still smiling. And probably blushing too. Definitely blushing.
They walked together towards her apartment. Their steps were matching. As if they were supposed to be together. Walking beside each other. Forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2020 ⏰

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