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A/N: New inserts 

F/A-Favorite animal

I don't know what to do anymore. If I tell Tetsuro he will be pressuring me into it, but if I lie he will know I am lying. 

"Well? Are you going to tell me?" Tetsuro said, getting kind of irritated.

"(Y/N)-!" Hinata started but I covered his mouth again.

"(Y/N) is part of the Tokyo Gaming competition, she was just on a call with them to confirm" The raven haired boy said aloud.

"(Y/N)? Is this true!?" Tetsuro said not believing it. I turned to look at him, tears forming in my eyes. I was scared he would be mad that I didn't tell him, or even worse.......Disappointed. I nodded my head, now facing the floor. He came over and gave me a big bear hug. I looked up at him, then gave him a hug back. He then released me.

"You should've told me! I would have given you such a cool gamer tag." Tetsuro said putting his hands on his hips. I smiled at him and then turned to the two boy's behind us.

"Ok you guys cant tell anyone! Got it?" I said in a scary stern voice. There faces went pale, not like they weren't pale before, but more pale.

"OK!" They both said in union. I turned around to face Tetsuro.

"What kind of gamer tag would you have come up with?" I asked, actually kind of curious.

"Gamer (F/A)" Tetsuro said proudly.

"sorry bro, that's already taken" I told him, patting him on the shoulder.

"Well what did you choose for your gamer tag?" Tetsuro asked.

"You will have to watch the competition to know" I smiled at him.

"Can I get a backstage pass?" Tetsuro asked, a little louder than I want him to.

"What do you mean 'backstage pass'? (Y/N), what's going on?" Kenma walked out and asked me. My face went pale.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY THIS IS REALLY SHORT! But I have ideas for the next chapter and for them to be in use, this chapter needed to be really short. Again, SORRY!

Gamer Girl Kenma Kozume x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora