Charming (Spiral Storm x Crow)

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(Note: Spiral Storm is someone else's OC!
Spiral Storm belongs to @honeytea123 )
Type: Fluff

Crow's POV:
I was just walking around with Spiral Storm near the forest. It was a lively place to be, and it was fun. "Hey, Crow." He said to me. "Yeah?" I gazed at the flying squirrel.
"Wanna see a trick?"
I don't see his tricks often. Heck, Everyone doesn't  see his tricks often. "Well, sure I guess." Spiral Storm looked very happy when I said 'sure.' "Yay! Now, come on! I'll show you somewhere!" He then grabbed my hand, and pulled me.

(Time skip because the author commuted Yeet)

"Alright! closely." Spiral Storm began to use his powers and...
"SPIRAL STORM!? OI, WHAT ARE YE DOING UP THERE!?" I yelled to him. He was on the top of a very, very tall tree. "Watch this!" He yelled. He then jumped off of the tree, and began to glide in places. It looked super cool, that's something I wouldn't say. But...

He looks so nice flying up there. He looks..somewhat charming.

I watched him glide and glide, until he reached the ground. "So, how did it look?" He asked. "It looked...amazing. It was very nice. You looked very charm-NICE!" I caught my words. But he looked up smugly, but happy. "Heehee! What were you gonna say?" "Uh...Cool! Yeah, cool!" I lied. But he looked up at me and smirked. "Nope. You were going to say charming, weren't you?" "U-uhhh..." His words caught me off guard. "I have one thing I'd like to tell you." He looked happy. "W-well, what is it?" I said, a little annoyed, but, I guess? "Do you like someone?" He asked. "W-well, yes..but-." "That's all I need to know! Now close your eyes and think of that someone." I did as he told. As I kept my eyes closed, the only person I could think of was him. Well, he's pretty adorable, pretty brave, and pretty nice. I just wish I could kiss hi-

I felt soft lips connect to mine. However, I didn't need to open my eyes to know who it was. They pulled away.

"Now, open your eyes and tell me, do you see that someone anywhere?"

I did as he said and it was him. "I've always seen him. I wanted to open my eyes just so I could see them." I teased. He chuckled.
"I love you, Crow!"

"I like you too, buddy."

(Sorry that it was so short!! I hope you enjoyed this @honeytea123 !)

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