Part 1

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I take his shoes, his jacket, pants, jumper, and socks. His glasses, watch and ring. I disguise myself. I walk behind him, I stalk, and I hunt him. I'm obsessed, intrigued and very much in love. I don't know if I want him dead or alive, but I want him. His pale white skin, his cold undertones, his thin structure, his shiny brown hair and his locks that curl behind his ears. His aura green and blue, his eyes brown that see the world, empty and broken. His dark circles look good on him. I walk ahead and pass him. He will never notice me, never see the face of a man who kills his obsessions.

Part 1

"Benjamin... Benjamin", slowly pulling the covers off, in a cold sweat I start crawling to the edge of my bed slightly looking over. Nothing absolutely nothing. I shrug it off just thinking it's a bad dream. Benjamin knew that waking up like that was unusual, and in fact quite terrifying. What's under his bed?

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