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A/N: Heyho!

I wanted to do one of those for a long time now, but never really did... or dared? Idk. But here we go.
A bit light hearted, a bit melancholic, slightly heart-fluttering. And the Master being mean, as usual. 
Maybe not as much around the reader. ;)

Actually... I just realise that there aren't any gender terms in this story... so you can read it at as whoever you want, lol.

It was evening, the dark sky above your heads was clear and tinted in the most beautiful shade of bluish almost-black you had ever seen, adorned with countless freckles of brightly glowing stars

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It was evening, the dark sky above your heads was clear and tinted in the most beautiful shade of bluish almost-black you had ever seen, adorned with countless freckles of brightly glowing stars. Two moons hung above a set of purple mountains in the distance and through the dense atmosphere of the planet you could make out the white shimmering rings that surrounded it.

Beautiful, you thought, your heart thumping excitedly in your chest.

It had been such a great day. The two Time Lords and you had visited the local market, which was known throughout this whole solar system for its exotic wares. You had seen so many different species! Some that were only colourful gas clouds, others which looked like spindly frogs in suits, another group you could swear were actual werewolves! Then there had been this couple of bird people, with folded wings on their backs and their whole body covered in blue and purple feathers.

The market itself was not less colourful, the wares so weird that, most of the time, you had no idea what the items actually were good for. While the Doctor ran around and annoyed the merchants with his bubbly attitude (and the fact that he had no money), you and the Master had stayed a little behind, taking everything a little slower.

"What's that?" you asked, as the two of you made a halt in front of a cart that was filled with all sorts of gadgets. "It almost looks like a camera."

The Master chuckled. "Because it is, stupid."

You poked out your tongue and elbowed the Time Lord. "Smartass."

"Pfff, it's common knowledge!" he mocked. "The Loperals are known for their advanced image capturing devices. Every proper traveller knows that!"

You sighed. He was always bragging around like that. Even more than the Doctor, and in a way that made every bit of information he gave out sounding like an insult to your intellect. The Master knew perfectly well that you literally couldn't know these things, and usually you just tossed some sarcastic comment back, resulting in the two of you bantering half serious, half joking.

Only now did you not find yourself in the mood for it. This camera device reminded you of how you always loved to take pictures in your old hometown, of everyone and everything. You were actually really good at it, having a great eye for aesthetics, angles and composition.

"You're alright?" the Master asked, his voice a mixture of teasing and earnest. "Or did your little brain just get fried from all that knowledge?"

"Shut up," you grumbled and strode away from the stand.

I want to remember those special moments (Reader/Simm!Master)Where stories live. Discover now