Movie Night

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(This Person POV)
It had been a couple of hours since breakfast.The sun had set engulfing the city in darkness and Todoroki has successfully eaten his pancakes and put away the dish without anyone knowing just how much he enjoyed the fluffy heaven that Bakugou had made.

He personally didn't have any thing against the hot headed Pomeranian.He actually thought of him as a worthy opponent and friend,but who was Todoroki to turn down a challenge?

Todoroki got up from his bed and threw on an army green oversized sweater.The class had decided that they would have movie nights weekly for pure entertainment and bonding.Yes they would probably stay up after curfew and get caught sometimes but Todoroki liked the thought of just being able to relax with his new friends.He wasn't allowed to watch tv unless it was the news,his father wanted him to take mental notes on crimes and hero's so he could quote on quote 'find a way to surpass All Might'.So it was a nice change not having to worry about his father coming into his room whilst he's watching youtube,resulting in a talk about how Todoroki should stop rebelling against his father.

(Shoto Todoroki POV)
I walked to the elevator on my floor level and clicked on level one,wanting to go down to the living room where the rest of my class was.

Once I got there my senses were immediately engulfed in laughter and playful bickering.The main couch was taken up by Deku,Uraraka,Kirishima,
Mina and Tsu whilst denki sat on a chair.The tinnier couch who sat two people held Momo and Jiruo whilst everyone else sat on a cot made on the ground.Everyone meaning Sero,Bakugou,
Sato,Hagakure and now me.

Not everyone was in the living room which was understandable.Lida decided to not participate because he found it improper to disobey the rules Aizawa had given them in the second day they have stayed in the dorm rooms but no one cared so Lida just simply got tired of arguing with the class and left.

The other few that didn't come we're just to tired and decided against the movie night.Well almost everyone,no one knows what Minetas up to but they heard some shuffling from his room earlier so they decided to not question it(freaking perv!)

The group on the ground moved around and gave me room to sit.I ended up sitting right behind Bakugou which wasn't to bad given that the male was significantly shorter than me.I poked Bakugou lightly on the shoulder and in response got a growl.I poked at his shoulder again but this time he quickly turned to me. "What the fuck do you want icy hot?!" "I wanted to know what movie we would be watching." He smirked and turned back around facing forward towards the TV. "Wouldn't you like to know." "Yes I would that's why I asked."

(Katsuki Bakugou POV)
I rolled my eyes.This guy really needs to learn how to not take everything so literally.He poked at my shoulder again but I chose to ignore him which wasn't easy as he was constantly poking my shoulder.

Mina started the movie and dimmed the lights so it would give off a 'movie theater' kinda vibe.The screen turned black before the home screen popped up.The screen read 'The Grudge' and a few of my classmates visibly shivered having seen this movie before,well the original.The new one just came out and I was honestly excited.I love horror movies to the point where I could and do,fall asleep to one.They don't usually scare me so when I saw the original 'Grudge' and actually got a bit scared I got excited to the thought of watching the new one and potentially being scared shitless.If the movie doesn't scare me most of the time it won't be good.In my personal opinion.That excludes 'Stranger Things'.It wasn't really scary but the plot and acting was amazing.

I felt Todoroki shift behind me and turned around seeing that he had grabbed a blanket and was now offering it to me.I raised my eyebrow just as Mina spoke answering my question. "I brought some of my fuzzy blankets knowing that everyone would ether get cold or want to hide inside the blanket itself!I don't have a lot so a couple people with be sharing if that's ok!" She sat back down  and played the movie.I continued to look at icy hot in a questioning manner. "Seeing that we are the closest I thought it would only make sense for us to share the blanket unless you don't want to.You can just have it if you'd like." I growled at the male. "Is that a fucking challenge?!You think I'm to much of a wuss to share a damn blanket with you icy hot?!"He just rolled his eyes slightly which infuriated me even more. "Do you want to share the blanket or not Bakugou?."

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