Chapter Three

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Indi finished placing the last book into the shelf. It was done. She looked around and sighed, feeling the sudden solitude when Luce left her. That was almost an hour ago but the energy around his sudden outburst still hummed. She didn't understand why he lashed out like that. He had never raised his voice out to her like that before. Who was he talking about? She had kissed other boys before but that sadly that was a while ago. That kiss was somehow different to any other experience with a boy. It was frightening yet comforting. She hadn't had the proper relationship with a guy since the accident of her parents. Screw him! She grabbed her bag and left the library in a hurry. The energy out in the halls was much more lively compared to the library, everyone was out and about discussing their holiday plans or panicking with their exams next week. A near by vending machine caught her attention, displaying the supplies of chocolate, chips and fizzy goodness.
"Sold!" She blurted out, digging for loose change in her bag. Pressing in the codes for each treat she wanted, the machine rattled with noise processing the numerous of orders. This was the highlight of her day, the responsibility of having chocolate for dinner. Adulthood was okay.

Darcy was found at her desk, shuffling through divination cards with her study books pushed to the side. Indi assumed it was some witchy homework. With not even three steps in through the door, Darcy jumped up expecting new juicy gossip from Indigo. But quickly backed down as she watched the way Indi flung her confectioneries on to the bed.
"Take your pick but the Kit Kat is mine." She mumbled fidgeting to take off her jacket and boots.
"Oh, something happened. Tell me what happened". Darcy nested onto the arm of the chair leaning in. Indi ran her fingers through her hair feeling the knots and tangles of un-brushed strands. I feel dirty.
"I just don't get it. I don't get him". She chewed on her lip for a bit before making full eye contact with Darcy. "We kissed. Well he kissed me". Expecting some sort of an outburst from Darcy, she remained quiet, making it a little difficult for Indi to read her body language and crawled onto Darcy's bed stuffing a pillow underneath her chest.
"Say something!"
"Well, okay. I'm shocked . . .but not that shocked. Does that make sense?" Indi raised an eyebrow. Where was the hot tempted Darcy she knew?
"What do you mean you're not shocked? You hate the guy don't you?"
"Well yeah I hate the guy. I mean out of all of the guys here, it just had to be him". Darcy fiddled with her ring twisting it around her finger. "But it's helpful I guess that he's around."
"Darcy you hate him though, why it is good? He kissed me. You should be yelling at me, telling me how stupid I was. Where are your little witchy, cursey curses?"
"You know what people say, keep your friends close but your enemies closer" She gave out a nervous chuckle. Indi could sense something that Darcy was not telling. She watched as Darcy got up and walked to the bed sprinkled with chocolate goodness. Popping a single chocolate treat into her mouth, her eyes closed savoring the sweetness as it melted in her mouth. As she opened her eyes, she watched Indi walk over to her desk attracted to the cards assembled out.
"Did you want to do a reading?" Darcy suggested pointing out to her most prized divination tool, her tarot cards. Each card displayed the same dreamy visual of a starry night sky. The real image quietly hid facedown on the desk patiently waiting to be picked up and to be revealed.
"How does this work again?" Indi curiously scanned the deck of shuffled cards, wanting to flip them all over all at once.
"Take your time as you observe each card. A card that feels right to you, turn it over."
"But how will I know?" She felt like a little kid choosing a lucky dip prize, trying to determine which prize would be the best for herself.
"They'll let you know, trust me." Darcy grinned as the suspense heightened watching her friend slowly reach out to pick a card. Indi's eyes flickered to each induvial card. Why am I so nervous? Staring at the cards for some moment she felt like time was running out and proceeded to pick out a random card, but then stopped. 

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