Chapter 1

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Krishnaa Bhardwaj, the 25 year old curly haired lass, as she was called, mostly by her relative aunties, walked lazily into the kitchen, to fetch her morning cup of coffee

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Krishnaa Bhardwaj, the 25 year old curly haired lass, as she was called, mostly by her relative aunties, walked lazily into the kitchen, to fetch her morning cup of coffee.
Unlike other mornings, she was a little out of mood, owing to the longest face wash she had to do, in order to remove the almond ghee her mother had massaged on her face the previous night.
"It makes your skin glow like gold" she used to say.

Similar to this not-so-true belief, she wasn't curly haired. It was straight the whole week, but curled up once she took a head bath.

And this was also a girl who seemd quite stressed out at this time of her life.
25 years. And now marriage. She had completed her degree just two years back, and now, held a stable good pay job.
But which Indian household will spare a girl of 25 years off the marriage topic?

Yes. Just in talks.
A few pictures of good looking boys lying on her study table (her mother was a little old fashioned you see), her mother's sisters giving regular visits to their houses, unlike the rest of her previous life, getting forcefully invited to marriage functions of her father's boss's colleague's sister's reception.
Yes. She was almost getting used to this now.

She did believe in getting married and having a small beautiful world of her own. But this early? Didn't she need some time to understand what exactly happens when she's sent to another house, how to take up responsibilities, how to balance career and family...? And the most of all, didn't she need some time to break her thoughts from job and academics and fall in love with some person, to get married?

Not that her parents were bent upon getting her married, but she did feel a little pressure from the family.

So, coming back to the tale, she fetched her cup of coffee and walked back to her room. Taking up her phone, she scrolled through all the social media, just to understand it was yet another boring day.

"Krishnaaaaaa... Shall I bring you some coffee??" called her mother.

"I've had it maaa! No need. I'll be downstairs for breakfast by 20 minutes."

She enjoyed this period, personally. Since the lockdown was issued, she had to work from home. Being an introvert, this was something she maybe prayed for, sub-consciously.

20 minutes passed. She had taken bath, dressed up in a kurtha for her upcoming conference call and walked down.

A smile approached her face upon seeing her cousin, who was already having her breakfast.
That was her name.
She was the partner in crime for Krishnaa since the time she had brains.
They were always seen together, in any of the functions, be it maternal side, or the paternal. She was persuing her degree in journalism from last one year, and now, she was care freely enjoying her online classes.

"Palli! What's up! No classes today?" Krishnaa asked, joining her for the breakfast.

"I have it. But I don't have a stable connection. So I won't be attending today." she said, happily munching on the crunchy dosas.

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