Chapter 3

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"He didn't turn up? Are you even sure? Like whaaaaat!??? I made you look soooo beautiful and he didn't turn up!? Wait. I have his phone number. I'll dial him up right now! " the angry Pallavi grunted, taking her phone.

"Noo!!! Nooo noo nooo!! Don't call him and all... It'll.... It'll... Seem..!" Krishnaa said, feeling a little proud of herself for coming up with such a believable reason to not call him.

"You're right... Why should we loose. Let him only call and apologise. When he calls you give the phone to me. I'll take his class..." said Pallavi, storming off her room.

Krishnaa left a sigh of relief and threw herself on the bed.
"Huff! I hope this drama gets over soon!"

As if the universe was listening to her, her phone rang.
"What the helll! Why is this man calling again!!" she facepalmed, seeing Parth's name on the caller ID.

"Hello... Pallavi?" he said.
"Ermm.. Yes.... How come you called at THIS HOUR?" She stressed upon the last two words, indicating she didn't welcome his call.

"I actually called you to say thank you! I had almost reached the resturant when you called. I saw your sister. were so right about her!"

Her jaw dropped.
Wait... Didn't she tell him she was ugly... And he saw her... And he said she was right.... So that meant...

" Hello Mister! Who do you think you are huh? Calling poeple ugly! Like have you looked at your face in the mirror? I'm sure you haven't. That's why you can't differentiate!!!" she yelled.

He chuckled, covering his phone. His plan was working perfectly!
" But... But weren't you the one who said your sister was ugly? "

Krishnaa bit her lips." Shitttt " she thought. But her brain did come up with a comeback.
" I'm her sister and I have all the rights to call her whatever I want okay? Who are you to call her ugly? "

" Well, I guess her would be husband, cause that's why the date was fixed isn't it? " His voice indicated clear mishcheif.

"Damn... You are just too much! Good that we didn't... Err... I mean she didn't meet you! And I'm keeping the phone. And don't try to call again. And... And I'll block your number!!" she cut the call and immediately threw the phone at her door in a haste.

Her luck was good. Pallavi caught it just in time.

" What the F Kri? Whom were you shouting at? What's wrong? Why did you throw your phone? "

" That dumbass dared to call me and said that I'm ugly. Can you believe it?! Idiot!!" she seemed no less hot than fire. Her whole body shivered due to anger.
"What does he think of himself? Mr. India?
Mad fellow! Acts as if he's the last man on earth!"

"Wait...Parth called you? And out of the blue called you ugly? Ughh...!! I must have known it. KRI! WHAT THE F DID YOU DO?"
Pallavi yelled this time. (one yelling family I say)

Krishnaa's face flushed . She turned all white.
"I might or might not have prank called him to break the date...." she said, playing with the veil of her dress.

"Oh you goddam idiot! Are you mad or what? Have you looked at him? Do you think you'll get someone better than him?" Pallavi threw a pillow at Krishnaa.

"Now this is too much haan. You said I could reject if I didn't like him." Krishnaa tried to defend.

"But Ms. Queen didn't make an attempt to meet him even. Instead she shew him away!
Pallavi mockingly said, her eyes reflecting pure anger.

" I'm sorry Palli... I just wasn't interested in this dating and all! "

" Oh really. You'll never be interested in that leaves. I just lost the opportunity of getting the most handsome brother in law ever..." Pallavi faked a cry.

"Wow Keshav! You were so right! This reverse method works!" Parth said, resting his head on his palm, supported by his elbow.

"I've done PHD in Love-ology Parth. Never doubt me." Keshav said with the most mischievous smile.

"So...what next? I'll keep on annoying her?...but I guess she's blocked my number."

"Here's a catch! You try calling her once more, if she hasn't blocked your number, that means all the doors for your love story will be open!" said Keshav.

"And what if she's blocked?" asked Parth anxiously.

Keshav made a reverse smile and Parth understood.

"Damn! This is hard!" Parth said.

"It is bro! And besides, I know her well, once she forms an opinion, then that's it. Even lord Vishnu can't change it." Keshav faked an expression of sympathy.

"Are you trying to scare me?" Parth aksed.

"Ohh no Parth! I was just telling you'll have an amazing adventurous love story to tell to your grand children!" Keshav laughed.


I hope you enjoyed the update.
Also, a small request guys, instead of commenting "update soon" please do comment on what you liked about the chapter, what you did not, how well you enjoyed it... Coz that's something that'll motivate me to write more. Please 😊🙏

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